Honestly I consider it a consequence of how long Christianity functioned as a state affair
Christians who sit in pews like angels and then don’t even glance towards the needy aren’t so much signaling their own piety as much as acting out a previously enforced by law custom for which not obliging would get you condemned by your community.
The conservative doesn’t see traditions as an expression of a culture and its values, but rather as rituals that they had to endure whether they liked it or not and so now you do too.
My dad’s a devout Christian and the man let me and my sis both stop attending church long before we were both old enough to go away to college, although tbf that may have been more because he was sick of the effort of waking us both up for the sermon he wanted to go to lol.
That or go remote if there’s no productive reason why they need to be in the office and then just don’t have to pay for a non-existent commute
It’s actually kinda genius from the perspective of getting unneeded commuters off the road, because like hell are those middle managers willing to pay commute time just to be able to more effectively ride your shoulder at the office
I feel like I’ve seen the concept work enough times on demonstrations that I’m justified wondering why I still gotta drag my butt to Mavis every few months
And yet nothing can be done because the very concept of war crimes runs face first into the concept of national sovereignty, which is what the entire current world order is built on
Because it’s the California Catholics I’m going to assume it’s part of the larger trend of Latine folks saying that queer culture and feminism and other social causes in Latine communities is a result of “gringo colonialism”
Some of these psychos go from zero to death threats with so much as a mention of that blasted X, which Latine queer communities came up with first!
There’s some poor latine enbie with a flair for math stuffs living in a permanent state of traumatized horror because of these machismo lunatics.