To add to that from my experience I can even be angry for no good reason and at the same time logically think I shouldn’t be. Even that doesn’t make the feelings untrue. It just makes me know they might not be justified or reasonable. And feelings can be all that.
I think the whole true love thing is bullshit and I am in a very happy longterm relationship. But it’s just love. Love is the feeling that it is. There is no true version of it. All love is the same. But relationships are not built on love alone. The true love concept makes it come across to me that way though. That if things don’t work out your love just wasn’t true enough. You just have to love harder and truer next time. It’s even worse when the concept gets extended to there only being one true love per lifetime or whatever.
It’s not that. Imo all love is created equal. It’s the other factors that make things work or not work. Compatibility with the partner, how hard you try, how much you try, how mature you are. Honesty, trust. But also external factors such as how easy or hard life is at that time for you. Even the greatest relationships can fall apart in the shittiest of times. Doesn’t make the love less true.
As a European who grew up using only metric I like inches for crafting. It’s a good scale for the things I craft and I prefer fractions over decimals when doing quick math or measurements.
But that doesn’t mean metric shouldn’t be the standard.