A buddy from college is a somewhat famous twitch streamer. I remember seeing him a few years after college and asking what he was up to, and couldn’t believe he was making any money just streaming himself playing League. My brain couldn’t comprehend who would want to watch that. That was like 10 years ago, and dude is still doing it, and hasn’t worked a real job in a decade. I’m low key jealous AF.
I watched that same video, and it inspired me to upgrade my microwave game. I’ve had the same one for like a decade and it sucked. New one has all the bells / whistles and does air frying too. It’s night and day compared to the old one
A friend once took a sharpie to a buddy’s name tag at work, changing Craig to Graig. At first he couldn’t figure out why the customers kept calling him Greg, then some lady said something like "I’ve never seen such a unique spelling of the name Graig before. He looked down n saw his name tag. Hilarity ensued. 10/10 would recommend to anyone who works with a Craig at a job that people wear name tags for.
It definitely should be, but I have heard at least 2 people make that statement, so the fact that it’s not 0 is mind blowing. Maybe I just need better friends.
You’d be surprised the amount of times I’ve heard someone say they got something after seeing a targeted ad. I personally just zone out until the ad’s done. It’s hard to believe people actually pay attention, and then go so far as clicking the ad and buying the product.
As a casual fan, enlighten me, why’s he a douche? I loved the Chilli Peppers in middle /high school, but haven’t really paid any attention to them since.