Not everyone wants to engage in a race to the bottom where you’re not allowed to seek to improve your circumstances relatively to other even more lucky and privileged people in your own country because people in other countries have even less. If you were in any of the countries you’re bringing up and talking to someone else in one of those countries you would literally be saying the exact same thing you are now you would just refer to someone in an even worse circumstance still, e.g. someone with two missing legs.
I bet you have things much easier than half the people in this thread and all you care about is making sure that isn’t threatened so you have to try to uphold the status quo at all costs. Because all you really care about is yourself, not anybody in Venezuala or anywhere else they’re just an argumentative tool to dismiss anybody who wants to make things better in their own country.
Especially because the answers to these captchas are used to train self driving car AI, so if you fuck it up the self driving cars will crash and you will have blood on your hands :/
Dust is a rewrite of du (in rust obviously) that visualizes your directory tree and what percentage each file takes up. But it only prints as many files fit in your terminal height, so you see only the largest files. It’s been a better experience that du, which isn’t always easy to navigate to find big files (or atleast...
Okay I guess. I personally like just being able to live my life without almost getting shot every couple of hours. I have a friend who basically sounds exactly like you and lives in Texas, he also told me that he hears gunshots around him like multiple times a day. Forgive me but that doesn’t sound particularly appealing.
It was in the news in the UK a few years ago that a doctor visited the US to see some of his family that lived there, and while he was asleep in bed a stray bullet hit him and he died. Obviously I’m sure these things are unlikely but it’s still kind of scary. That and I find the idea of walking around and having deranged psychos all around me potentially having a gun and them being able to pull it out and end my life at any moment kind of… unpleasant.
I love Xbox 360 controllers, I always use the wired ones so you don’t have to fuck about with batteries which I always find annoying to deal with, you also don’t need the receiver thing either. And latency is lower.
I find 360 controllers seem to be the most comfortable to hold in my hands, as well as being pretty well built. You can get them used on eBay for like £15/$20
Also, if the pan isn’t large enough the pasta will stick I think. I say I think because despite having cooked pasta hundreds of times I’ve never had this happen lol
Same in the UK! When the pandemic started companies stopped advertising on TV because they weren’t doing business anymore, except for the bookies (gambling brokers) so almost every ad was for them. And because people are on doors and probably bored/miserable I bet they did much more business than normal.
I don’t think we have the warnings you’re talking about here, except for sone text on the screen that says something like “gamble smart” lol
Yes, also Teslas (
Just fuck me up fam (
...Then you select it, and the Captcha fails. (
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? (
Thanks to dust I deleted a 70 gig file on my drive
Dust is a rewrite of du (in rust obviously) that visualizes your directory tree and what percentage each file takes up. But it only prints as many files fit in your terminal height, so you see only the largest files. It’s been a better experience that du, which isn’t always easy to navigate to find big files (or atleast...
Shit would have gone down differently on the biggest continent, just sayin'. (
eat the rich (
It’s a meme
‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens (
Here we go again…
Funtastic 😅 (
The neverending discussion about pasta, olive oil and just putting enough water... 10g salt, 100g pasta, at least 1L water e basta così ! No oil or you ruin the pasta/sauce synergy. 😃 (
Gambling is addictive (
rules for thee, but not for me (
To be clear, not talking about this community, obviously 😛....
She helps when I cook. (
She smell checks almost every ingredient and never tastes. Best cat. Then she smells the end product and we’re both like ‘that’s that done, then’.
History lives in the present (
Context (for those who don’t know): Israel and Palestine
Rent requirements in the US are nuts (