
Is that makoto?

Boldizzle, avatar

Yeah this is what happens when the phantom thieves fail to steal her heart.


Me but green tartan skirt, also I’m a dude.


Kilts FTW




I liked the anime version better


You can’t just say that and not post it lol


I meant a version where a cosplaying woman is chugging vodka, but can’t find it. Just saw it as a common reaction pic on 4chan. I tried to find it, but my wife giving me weird looks stopped me.

I tried to explain it but it didn’t help. I’ll edit when I am successful.


As a wife myself, this amused me


What is this wife thing you speak of?


Rozauhtuno, avatar

Speak up, call your government reps. Your apathy is what they are counting on to avoid change


Implying they’d give a damn anyway.


If enough people speak up, they’ll have to.



FartsWithAnAccent, avatar

My reps suck lol


Citizens United baby, we were removed from the equation.

registrert, avatar


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  • DragonTypeWyvern,

    Have you properly considered joining a radical militia?


    Waaaah waaaah guns are for meanies waaaah


    I’m more of a fan of guillotines personality More flare


    Go look at people in Syria or Venezuela who can barely find food. You’re just a bunch of annoying spoiled brats. You need to struggle to find food, clear water and electricity to learn what struggle means. You need to try to rush your grandma to the hospital and see her die in your car in your arms, because of army gates blocking the way, to know the value of the luxury you’re living at.

    You’ll never realize the blessing you’re enjoying until you lose it. Grow up and learn to be thankful you have a full belly and warm water.


    man reading this comment thread, you are one miserable troll


    101 cop out strategy.

    1. Say something stupid.
    2. Say “you’re a troll” to everyone who disagrees to look cool.

    Nice try. Zero shits given.

    1. Say something stupid

    I didn’t say anything at all, I am merely a passing observer. Check usernames next time


    This isn’t the struggle Olympics.


    Olympics? You’re the top of the top on the planet in wealth. Your smartphone feeds a family for a month in most of earth. Stop complaining!


    What do you want me to do then, I petitiony representatives and try to get involved. I work two jobs, have a mountain of debt, and severe depression and anxiety. If I don’t complain I might just end up killing myself dealing with stress. Me complaining about having to struggle this hard in a first world country is valid.


    You can complain about individual problems where we can discuss solutions, no problem. But this whole “4 crises” trend that has been going on for like a month is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s not constructive, and very stupid, because if we’re gonna talk macro economics, the majority of westerners live a lavish lifestyle compared to others in the world. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t individual people who have problems, like yourself. So, talk about your individual problem (student loans, dating market, crunches in jobs, work/life balance, etc), and don’t complain about the macro situation. it doesn’t make any sense.


    Person, this is a post in memes.


    People have it worse than they should all over the world. That kinda seems like the point of the post to me. Should op have posted a meme saying “fuck the whole world because I don’t have it as bad?”


    No, OP should not post that they’re miserable or whatever because they had “4 crises”. This is an improvement even compared to 200 years ago. Only baby boomers were so lucky not to have so much problems. Almost every other generation before had it worse + almost every other country in the world has it worse. OP’s complaint shows that they don’t appreciate the good life they have, despite the “crises” that happened, compared to the majority of humanity, whether in this time or in history.


    Which part is the good life, just so I can be sure I’m enjoying it.


    I read this as 4 world crises, not 4 personal crisis for OP. i.e. Drinking in bed because the world is on fire. But sure, yay, smartphones.

    registrert, avatar


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  • Devouring,

    I’m not saying that every indivudal is having a hunky dory rosy life. Compared to many in the world, your life is still better. I’m all for discussing individual problems, but not the stupidity of “feel bad for me because we had 4 crises”. I complained about health care in Europe repeatedly because it’s a joke. I would’ve died too, btw. I was saved outside of Europe, luckily, by sheer coincidence.

    And btw, your grandma would’ve died even earlier in Syria or Venezuela. Sorry for your loss. But you still have it better than others, and I’m absolutely not against discussing problems that affect society, instead of complaining about vapid, fabricated non-issues just to feel bad for a “generation”, like 4 crises. People in other countries wish they have 10% of what you have.

    registrert, avatar


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  • Devouring,

    I don’t think anyone even records this stuff in Venezuela or Syria anymore, and due to corruption no one cares. You have no idea how chaotic things are there. I know people there who got shot and never got even picked up for weeks because no one dares to cross that street anymore. The stories are horrifying.

    Please stop making excuses. Once you have no more food, clean water, electricity, and persistent hyper-inflation, then let’s have that discussion again.

    The irony I see here is that people keep saying that Norway is amazing socialism and everyone should do that in the US… I’m not from the US for the record. Let’s not get into that discussion, but it’s just an ironic thing coming to mind.

    registrert, avatar


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  • Devouring,

    And like I said before, this is typical 101 cop out. You say something stupid, and when you’re proven wrong, the other guy becomes a troll.

    Yeah, again, no shits given.


    I mean, your argument basically boils down to “you can’t complain, others have it worse”, which is a toxic take. Should a person who lost a leg not be allowed to complain because someone in the world has lost two legs, and therefore is an annoyed spoiled brat who still has a leg? Should the only people allowed to complain be people on the verge of death, since they’re the people who are the worst off? Does the argument work in reverse as in “you can’t be happy, others have it better”?


    which is a toxic take

    You’re using the word “toxic” to say that you don’t like my opinion. Booho. Cry me a river. Your username says a lot about you and explains why your brain cannot comprehend a disagreement.

    You haven’t lost a leg. You haven’t lost anything. You’re amongst the richest people on the fucking planet with the most luxurious lifestyles with a smart phone that costs a month’s income for a family in most of the world if not more. You never had to sleep hungry or lived in the dark because you can’t pay for electricity, so give me a break. You’re just a brat. That’s all. Brat. Annoying, ignorant, spoiled brat who cannot appreciate the good stuff they have.

    Does the argument work in reverse as in “you can’t be happy, others have it better”?

    My argument works as: You’re part of the richest people on earth. Shut up and enjoy it.


    Not everyone wants to engage in a race to the bottom where you’re not allowed to seek to improve your circumstances relatively to other even more lucky and privileged people in your own country because people in other countries have even less. If you were in any of the countries you’re bringing up and talking to someone else in one of those countries you would literally be saying the exact same thing you are now you would just refer to someone in an even worse circumstance still, e.g. someone with two missing legs.

    I bet you have things much easier than half the people in this thread and all you care about is making sure that isn’t threatened so you have to try to uphold the status quo at all costs. Because all you really care about is yourself, not anybody in Venezuala or anywhere else they’re just an argumentative tool to dismiss anybody who wants to make things better in their own country.


    It’s not like you’re racing to the top, because that’d be admirable. You’re complaining for dumb reasons that fall in the big picture. You have my support to race to the top, it’s called “life”, but all I see is complaining. Again: You’re living in the top echelon of humanity both in space and time, literally, yet you think you’re oppressed. That’s what brats do.


    God you sound like an absolutely horrible miserable individual. Give my condolences to whomever is unlucky enough to have you in their lives.


    Wait you think because someone has a smartphone that theyve never been hungry or without? You know you can starve to death in a first world country right?


    You’re just a brat. That’s all. Brat. Annoying, ignorant, spoiled brat who cannot appreciate the good stuff they have.

    This seems like a really good way to engage with people and change their minds, and get them to enjoy the things in their life. Definitely not contributing to the problem, or you just taking out whatever issue you have here on other random passersby of the thread. Very cool.


    I’m not here to “engage” with these brats. I’m just here to tell them they’re stupid and annoying. That’s me doing my part. If enough people did that, I assure you this will stop. But everyone is a coward and wants to pet them “ooooh, you poor baby… you’re not having enough BigMacs and you’re not obese enough”.


    What a tantrum, finally realized that you can’t actually spend your crypto?


    Your username says a lot about you and explains why your brain cannot comprehend a disagreement.

    The fact that you’re calling me out on not being able to “comprehend a disagreement” while spending hours typing out comments that basically say “lalala I win” filled with personal insults shows 0 self-awareness. If you cannot comprehend the concept of “being respectful” and acting like a rabid dog on any disagreement, the problem is with you.

    That being said, you going for personal attacks instead of actually debunking what I said shows that your argument is, quite frankly, shit. Don’t pretend like you’re unaware of this.


    That pizza looks delicious. Lots of cheese. Toppings. 🤤


    Not a meatlovers. Not worthy.


    Looks lacking on sauce


    white sauce maybe. that’s good on cheese pizzas


    Heresy! (I’m just a super picky eater)


    Don’t need sauce on good pizza


    Depends if you’re a wog pizza or meal pizza person.

    Vegetarian with a shitload of capsicum, eggplant, onion, garlic, cheese, artichokes, olives etc or spicy meatlovers, salami, ham, olives, cheese, chicken, pineapple and the works.

    Cost the same as a thin crust, mozzarella and six spinach leaves.

    Catfish, avatar

    There are decades where nothing happens and there are weeks where decades happen.


    Alternate viewpoint: We’re forged in the fires of adversity. No longer are things easy or handed to us, we make our own road. We learn, teach ourselves, work our passions and figure things out against all odds. We’re stronger, wiser and ultimately happier for it, despite outward appearances


    Every generation thinks they are special or have it the hardest


    Good take, but I think it ignores a lot.

    We’re stronger, wiser and ultimately happier for it, despite outward appearances

    Mainly here. Yes everything people are getting is from their own actions, but it completely ignores the people that haven’t gotten anything from the struggle, which is a growing number of people. It also disregards people that don’t have the opportunity to carve their own way at all.

    There is still a bar that needs to be met to get anywhere, and it is just getting higher in may places. Sure once you hit the bar, you’re in a better spot and can see that the struggle paid off, but if you never get to the bar, if you never get to the point of “keeping your head at the water”, there is no payoff. These people just get to struggle. That’s all there is, and there is only so much of that before the struggle isn’t worth the payoff anymore.


    Stronger? Sure. Wiser? Definitely. Happier? Hell to the no lol


    That face shows otherwise. But yeah glass half full.


    And if things get any better, millenials need to remember to not fuck it up.

    BeigeAgenda, avatar

    The saiyan viewpoint, just wait until the weights come off!

    Smokeydope, avatar

    Unironicaly fantastic take.

    My philosophy is that you can either bitch and whine and moan about how hard and unfair life is, while wallowing in self pitying victim complex forever.

    Or you can stop crying yourself a river, roll up your sleeves, and get to work on doing something about it. To make the best of you’ve got and work on improving the parts of life you aren’t satisfied with one step at a time with a relatively clear and focused end goal in mind.

    These two approaches are a choice of personal philosophy.


    Or you can stop crying yourself a river, roll up your sleeves, and get to work on doing something about it. To make the best of you’ve got and work on improving the parts of life you aren’t satisfied with one step at a time with a relatively clear and focused end goal in mind.

    Bold to assume everyone has the capability to do this. Maybe you got lucky with an area, maybe someone else got unlucky, but to pretend like any single person is in complete control of their life is an absolute joke. “Rolling up your sleeves and getting to work” stopped being a viable route a while ago, around the same time people started needing two or more jobs to afford basic necessities.

    You can make the best of what you got, but if all you got is 0 left over time, <2% extra money in your pockets after living expenses, and a “give’r your best shot” mentality, all you have is… no extra time to commit that effort, and no money to improve your conditions, which would have helped with the time bit. That also doesn’t even touch on the people with mental/physical disabilities, or mental health issues.

    Sometimes even if you try, the only areas you can sacrifice are the only things keeping you afloat. That’s just how it is. You can’t win them all. And some, can’t win the basics. That’s where we’re at now.


    Or you can whine enough that a politician embraces your viewpoint and try to get things on a silver platter while they print more debt


    Or you can stop crying yourself a river, roll up your sleeves, and get to work on doing something about it. To make the best of you’ve got and work on improving the parts of life you aren’t satisfied with one step at a time with a relatively clear and focused end goal in mind.

    The internationale gradually fades in


    Unironically bullshit take.

    8 hours of work, commute, getting ready, etc takes literally half the day. Sleep takes another 8 hours. So what the fuck am I going to do with my free 4 hours to “do something about it”? My sleeves can’t be anymore rolled you sanctimonious piece of shit.

    Oh sorry I guess it’s my “choice” that gun violence is so prevalent, or that the government is becoming more fascist, or that my countrymen are rejecting science and spreading disease.

    I make a six figure salary and I still need a roommate just to rent. My county is actively supporting a genocide. The second in line to the presidency is a religious freak. The supreme Court is stacked to the regressives.

    But go on, please tell me again that this is all because I’m not doing something about it.

    Go. Fuck. Yourself.

    Smokeydope, avatar

    8 hours of work + commute, six figure salary, still need a roommate? Sounds like somebody didn’t make good life choices and is now stuck in a hole living just below their means while paying off massive debt. Blaming everything but themselves for their financial/living situation while doing little to improve it. but hey you work and commute and sleep so how can you be responsible for building up your own life when your so busy making 6 figures and paying rent, right? It must be the rotten society and world to blame for your failures to be financially stable without working non-stop.

    No it isn’t your ‘choice’ that society has ugly aspects that contribute to a lot of individual suffering with no easily fixable solutions. It is your choice to focus on those worst possible aspects of your country while actively ignoring all the good aspects of it and your personal life as a whole. It is your choice to be a pessimistic prick, paint yourself as a shakespearean character living out a tragic existance in a dystopian hellscape, blaming society for everything thats gone wrong in your life while making no efforts to improve anything.

    You don’t like the idea you are responsible for the satisfaction or lack there of you get out of your existance? Too bad, its the truth. No amount of blaming corrupt politics or society or human ignorance undermines the control you have over your decisions, your emotional state, your personal interpretations, and your progress towards lifestyle goals. Start focusing on yourself and working towards a better tommorow instead of the news cycle. Live well below your means, pay off your debts even if it means moving into a cheap van and paying yourself ‘rent’ for a while, stop thinking you’re special for working a full time job and commuting for long periods of time with little to show for it. Start learning how to effectively save your money towards things that will actually improve your life. Smell the roses and be happy to just be alive. Stop wanting trinkets and convinences and cool things to impress people who don’t really care.


    Exactly the narrative all the shitty politicians are trying to push. Own nothing, work like a slave, be happy. I would say “fuck you”, but I made the personal choice of making the world better by not swearing on the internet. It will definitely help all the Palestinians, Ukrainians, people dying from hunger, end climate change, and tax all the billionaires. I hope I proved worthy to you :)


    You took one sentence I said out of the entire comment and threw in so much of your own bias and hatred out that it’s honestly impressive.

    This isn’t about my finances. I’m not unhappy with my life. I am unhappy that the cards are so stacked against people that just surviving is a goal. I am unhappy that we live in a representative democracy that only represents a small fraction of the population. I am unhappy that when people talk about how shit things are, assholes like you come in and talk about personal responsibility. So, again, go fuck yourself.


    Smell the roses and be happy to just be alive. Stop wanting trinkets and convinences and cool things to impress people who don’t really care.

    What in the actual fuck are you talking about? What trinkets? What the fuck?

    Zoboomafoo, avatar

    My recommendation is to pick one problem and focus on it. Don’t feel like you need to fix everything in the world, just make a small part of the world better. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, clean up litter, canvas for a ballot measure you care about. Doing nothing while agonizing over how much is to be done helps nobody.


    Ah yes, the “dust up your apartment while the apartment complex is burning” approach. Might as well say “This is fine” while you’re going at it. :-)

    Zoboomafoo, avatar

    So instead do nothing and circlejerk how miserable you are?

    And at no point did I advocate for doing something trivial. I said pick one thing that’s important to you and put your effort into that. Do you think poor people deserve homes? Volunteer your time on weekends to build them through organizations like Habitat for Humanity. Do you think that’s just a bandaid over a societal wound? Find a group of like-minded people and try to fix that deeper wound.


    NGL I’d rather circlejerk than be a “holier than thou” bastard who goes around people who are most likely mentaly and/or physically drained to go minimal or zero improvement actions like volunteer or clean up the streets.

    Zoboomafoo, avatar

    Is “Try to make the world a better place” really so high a bar?




    Meanwhile, look around and see your peers and colleagues standing up to defend the free speech rights of the fascists that are crushing you.


    We live in a time where overall there is less violence, less crime, a better state of living, more rights for minorites and lbtq people than any time in human history. Im sorry you feel so wronged.

    skulblaka, avatar

    The parts of life I'm not satisfied with are the facts that my country is rapidly sliding into becoming a fascist ethnostate, our tax code is fucked six ways to Sunday, corporations are unaccountable to the law, I can barely afford food anymore because of corporations being unaccountable to the law and our tax code being fucked, my society is being actively destroyed by religious fanatics and schools can no longer be trusted to educate anyone.

    So, yeah. Any ideas? I'm all ears.


    Did you try “rolling up your sleeves”?

    Smokeydope, (edited ) avatar

    I will be geniune with you and put some thought into this reply even if you probably won’t agree with what I say anyway. I have no solutions for the flaws of our society and the world people have made. Societal inequality, corrupt politics, all controlling corporations. tThere aren’t any quick or easy solutions to those aspects of life, if any at all. People are flawed, self interested, sometime cruel and selfish I don’t have a solution to my countries problems, or your countries problems, or the worlds problems, or human nature problems that everything else ultimately stems from.

    I decided that it wasn’t worth worry about all the things I have no power over, that obsessing over all the unfair injustices of life would ultimately lead me to becoming a neurotic pessimist. I hold no illusion that I hold any power as an individual over the flow of society, and that whatever happens, happens. Unless you are rich and powerful, there isn’t much you can do with the system as it is. You can be angry with that truth, rage against it, or accept it and move on. I chose the latter and started focusing on the things in my life I do have power over. My own happiness over my own living situation, My flaws as a human being, my negative and hateful interpretations of the world, my passions unfulfilled and frustrations built that lead to my unhappiness and disatisfaction with life. What I might be interested in doing with my life that may bring a sembelance of personal meaning/fufillment to fill that emptyness, what my personal vision of a happy life looks like. I can’t control the world or even begin to know how to, but I can control how I interpret my existence and what I choose to do with it.

    How you experience and live has a lot to do with how you interpret yourself and your own life. Do you think you think you are a shakespearean character living out a tragedy full of pain and trauma and regret in an uncaring malevolent universe? That we live in the worst timeline possible and everything is beyond hope? That your country is the worst version of itself to possibly exist? That your living situation is hopeless with no way out no matter how hard you try? Then it is so, from your perspective.

    Do you think that even though life, society, and everything inbetween is unfair, and there is so much suffering in the world, even so there is still some beauty and goodness to be found in people and every day life? That while our timeline is subpar and things could be better, that there is still some hope for people as a whole and that things can be better? That you have the means and power to work towards a better, happier future for your self? That reality while unfair and sometimes cruel ultimately it has your best interest in mind? Then it is so, from your perspective.

    How we choose to interpret reality is more reflection of our individual psychology than reality itself. A smart person once said something along the lines of "the most important question a person can ask themselves is ‘is the universe malevolent or benevolent’ You have a choice in how you choose to see the world, you can either focus on the bad, rotten and unfair things on the outside that cannot be easily changed or you can focus on the bad, rotten, angry hateful things on the inside eating at your mind which can slowly be changed by contributing to the small acts of good that still happen everyday.

    Anticipates massive downvotes

    skulblaka, avatar

    I actually really appreciate the thought and effort put into your reply here. I will admit freely that my original comment was coming from a place of frustration, no small amount of depression, and desperation. And I think you're absolutely correct that for the average person it's probably more important to worry about your own immediate health and surroundings. It's healthier that way.

    The part I disagree with, though, is the idea that just putting on your blinders and ignoring the things you can't change is a fine way to live your life. We, as citizens, have a duty and a responsibility to keep our country in line. We, as human beings, have a duty and a responsibility to be good shepherds of our planet. We, as parents, have a duty and a responsibility to leave a better world behind for our children than the one we inherited. And I can't, and won't, just ignore all that. The universe is not malevolent but it also is not benevolent. It is vast and uncaring far beyond our ability to comprehend it as such, and it is up to us, the thinking, feeling creatures, to forge our future. If we do not act, there will be no action.

    Our situation was caused by thinking, feeling human beings, and it will be solved by thinking, feeling human beings and no one else. Or else we will die, and find ourselves as an evolutionary dead-end that tried real hard but didn't quite make it.

    So my question then becomes, at the end of the day - if not you or I, then who? If we do not rage against the night, if we do not reach to the sky to pull ourselves out of the hole we've been dug into - then who is going to do it for us? Not God, that's for sure. Not politicians, or soldiers, or celebrities. So who?


    That’s a nice outlook you have, and I wish it could be more relatable. The things you’re “not worrying about because you can’t change them” are actively ruining that entire dealio though. You don’t need to be thinking about them all the time to do the bare minimum and simply acknowledge that they are current issues, and will remain to be issues until fixed. It also takes little to zero effort to be aware of the fact that “pulling yourself up” is not always viable, precisely because of these issues you’ve been “not thinking about”. The issues give zero fucks about if your or anyone else is thinking of them. They are still making simply surviving, its own problem.

    Crying about it doesn’t help anyone, but to say these people just need to “dust themselves off” when you are actively ignoring the issues that are preventing them front being happy or comfortable (not rich, literally just surviving not at the edge), is extremely rich. All that says is you got your piece, and think that means everyone can get theirs. It disregards the possibility of different external and personal conditions. Either of which can, and are, a significant blockage, to that path of progress you refer to.


    There’s a story Mr. Rogers used to tell, "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” That’s what you need to do, look for the helpers, which for adults and politics means look for the grass roots organizers. Go ask the people putting in the leg work how you can help. Yeah alone you are powerless but in a group you become powerful, find allies.


    That, and arm the fuck up goddammit


    Thank you for that speech (sincerely). Tho it feels like the sort of words a commander gives to the troops to rally them & face a battle they will not survive with some dignity and a sense of pride.

    Are we not just a buffer for the next gens to get a chance at inheriting any freedom, to get a chance to lead at the right age & change things?


    I believe that is our destiny as millennials, to turn the tide and act as brakes on the growing insanity in the world. I also believe that we can do it.

    Evil_Shrubbery, (edited )

    Still holding out hope that myself.

    I’m proud when I see active protests, unionizing etc, like we finally realized we have nothing to lose but our exploitation.


    We just breezed past 1.5 degrees in global warming. It’s not going to get better.


    sort of, but we (at least the older millenials) experienced some of the good times before everything went to shit. the younger gens cannot have the experiences we had as children and in some cases young adults. we mourn what we lost, but probably look like “old man yells at clouds” to those who don’t know what they never had


    Oh, yeah, I member the times of hope & the promise of a bright future. But that was late 80s & 90s, when I was still native & didn’t understand the global macroeconomics & geopolitics … and human selfishness … and thought that boomers once wealthy would not only stop working (which they did) but also let younger gens make decisions (so like board members, politicians, investors, landlords etc).

    But now I despise all that anyways, so much consequences for others just for a yacht & a fancy car, instead of wanting to help build a good world.


    Yeah thats cool. But I’d rather be a white dude growing up in the 60s. 🤷‍♂️

    Life on easy difficulty.


    Vietnam draft…


    Bone spurs

    QwertySpace, avatar

    Life wasn’t easy for all white guys. Some white guys were living through the AIDS crisis. Some white guys were… Italian.


    Methinks, it’s your empathy holding you back more than anything else

    At least in the modern world


    All of the baby boomers will be dead within 20 years, maybe then we can make some improvements?

    (Sorry mom & dad, nothing personal)


    We have until 2029, and we’re still going the wrong way. Its also not just boomers plenty of other shitty people in other age groups.

    ElBarto, avatar

    How many of us do you think are gonna be around or capable of it, I’m pushing 40 and I’m fucked, the thought of another 30 years sounds exhausting.


    Theres still time to fix things for our children before we die, so theres that.

    Hmm, I should go plant a tree or something.


    I think eating something rich would help us all more exponentially.


    i passed that age milestone already am i’m definitely not ready


    (Sorry mom & dad, nothing personal)

    Retirement and a nursing home are no longer economically feasible and my landlord doesn’t allow additional residents, so good luck out there mom & dad.


    Damn, there’s a lot of angry, self-harm promoting people in this thread. Take care of yourself people. Take it one day at a time. The Earth is still here, for now.


    The Earth is still here, for now.

    Way to taunt people


    Don’t make me blow it up


    The Earth will always be here. We, on the other hand…


    well, for a couple billion years anyway until the expanding sum destroys it


    Fucking addition gets you every time.


    Which 4 specifically? The Pandemic is the obvious one. Russia-Ukraine + Israel-Hamas conflicts? Climate Change?


    9/11, 2008 financial crisis, covid and now the Ukraine war and the inflation it has caused (and/or Brexit for those of us in the UK) would be my picks.


    Oh yeah, I was somehow thinking GenZ and totally missed those. Makes sense for Millenials.


    Climate change. Definitely climate change as there fourth. Unless you want to count it as the fifth, i guess.

    Unless it goes in its own special category.

    Knightfox, (edited )

    I wouldn’t put climate change as one of them. Having it be a specific point makes it seem like Climate change had a definitive start or end point. It’s just kinda floating in the background.

    Depending on which end of millennials you are really impacts things as well. I would say events going from 1990 onward would count for older millennials, but you millennials might not count anything before 2005.

    registrert, avatar


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  • Knightfox,

    It’s kinda always been there, just that the urgency has really ramped up in recent years. It went from scientists saying this is coming to the general populace screaming IT’S TOO LATE WE’RE FUCKED.


    Yeah, this also explains why we feel over 400 years old.


    I thought it was because I was a lich


    At this rate Im not surprised if we are all just a bunch of 30 or 40 yo liches … so that we can go to work even after death.


    Yeah, this also explains why we feel over 400 years old.

    TinyPizza, avatar

    I recognize those dead, glazed over eyes! They look like mine. Oh...


    Yeah, I feel this meme. Lot of “why bother” energy with my friend group. We all know we’re fucked

    TinyPizza, avatar

    The pizza as medicine makes it too real.

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    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes) in /var/www/kbin/kbin/vendor/symfony/var-dumper/Cloner/VarCloner.php on line 205

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16384 bytes) in /var/www/kbin/kbin/vendor/symfony/error-handler/ErrorRenderer/HtmlErrorRenderer.php on line 335