Survival no longer is a problem to literally everyone in north america. yeah people die, but, when was the last time you have heard of anyone who is not anorexic starving to death? People still talk like survival is an issue, but that’s because they actually mean not being comfortable.
I mean i tried to make it painfully obvious I wasn’t talking about medical conditions, car accidents, or crackheads being stupid, but i guess i had to come back and spell it out.
Ok, so who did Taylor Swift exploit? She literally is just a singer and the whole thing is odd, but it’s more she’s a billionaire because the currency is worthless.
This isn’t a “go back in time and assassinate” someone question. It’s just their musical career never takes off and thus any music they ever would have made is no longer in this timeline.
Wikipedia and this sort of thing…Yknow the article on saddles says that stirrups weren’t invented till the 9th century AD but the article on riding boots said the heel, to prevent your foot going through the stirrup, dates to 5th century BC.
I have a freezer from 1953, works fine. It’s appliances made after @2000 that shit the bed in 5 years or less. No, it’s not survivorship bias, there’s a certain time period you don’t see anything survived from.
I’m just saying what is. If you want what I think should be, I’m a non Randian libertarian. Big on personal responsibility and the risk of consequences and consequences of risk, less on being a whiny bitch about everything.
That’s right. Nothing is a human right. Many humans have rights outlined in their countries constitutions but even those are easily stomped on with usually little consequence
My understanding was both Mark Knophler and Axl Rose were doing the same thing, writing a song from a dumbass bigots perspective, it’s just that people hate Axl and automatically ascribe the worst motives (despite a literal black man playing guitar on that GNR track).
Samira was a child bride married at 15 and a victim of domestic violence. She had two young children, one a new-born baby, when she was arrested and had not seen her children in ten years. She saw them for the first and last time when they came to the prison to say goodbye....
What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost? (
For me it’s the notification light you used to find on older phones, was particularly good to know if your phone was charged without picking it up
This is great. You should try it. (
which ones do you think I missed? (
image transcription:...
Ancient wisdom often sounds like common sense now that it is commomly taught. What is some ancient wisdom that we no longer teach because it was wrong?
This question inspired by this post..
If you could go back in time and stop any one person or group's musical career, who or what would it be?
This isn’t a “go back in time and assassinate” someone question. It’s just their musical career never takes off and thus any music they ever would have made is no longer in this timeline.
Hella unlikely they were used to knit gloves
You know how bad it needs to be to be ignored for over 2 decades! (
Not such a conspiracy theory now (
Mayo, mustard or ketchup?
Choose wisely.
Housing is a Human Right, Hording unimaginable sums of Wealth, is not. (
Just a lot of a word that hasn't aged all that well (
Iran, child bride and year-long victim of domestic violence Samira Sabzian who killed her 'husband' has been been executed in Ghezelhesar Prison (
Samira was a child bride married at 15 and a victim of domestic violence. She had two young children, one a new-born baby, when she was arrested and had not seen her children in ten years. She saw them for the first and last time when they came to the prison to say goodbye....