This patent is borderline “there are 4 lights” shit. What’s to stop the ‘passcode’ from being “I sure am hungry, let’s get mcdonald’s” and pavloving the general population?
Heads up, this guy is a troll picking fights for no reason. Don’t try to engage him, he only replies with deflection and insults. Check out his profile
None of us, not even the furthest-right conservatives, think this is okay
Aguably, conservatives may not think it’s ok but they’re so scared of losing their guns (because their politicians say dems will take them so they can get elected) that conservatives consider dead kids an acceptable loss. If they didn’t, more of them would vote for the party that wants to control who can obtain them.
When you think about it like that, there’s an insanely higher (but still ultimately miniscule) chance that only some part of you will make it through the wall and then just leave you stuck there.
You’re right. I was one of the first people he talked to, on a post yesterday about the paradox of tolerance where he proclaimed that his sole reason for existence is to be an asshole to people who call themselves tolerant.
We argued back and forth for awhile, but I eventually clocked him as a troll and I really just want to see if I can get him to burn out.
Also want to give people a heads up so that they don’t end up in the same loop I did at first. This guy is pretty vile. Just today he denied that the holocaust was even that bad because “not all the jews died”
Good men like Jon don’t seek that kind of power. They don’t want it. That’s why it’s only ever assholes that get it.
You have to step on people to make it up the ladder as a politician. Jon Stewart is not that man.
Go watch the show VEEP and look at literally any character that has some amount of power. It’s a pretty good look at the kind of person you have to be at that level of government.
I know I’m going to be in the minority here, but I’ve been on a carbonated flavored water kick for a few years after I realized sugar was killing me. It was a two fold realization that I just really enjoy the fizz and not the sugar.
That said, Polar seltzer-ade with lemon or lime juice is just 🤌 if you’re into carbonated waters
I know this is a joke, but advertising doesn’t try to make you buy something immediately. The goal of all advertising is to put the brand name into your memory, because when you do want something, you are statistically more likely to make a decision to buy from a brand you recognize or have seen more recently. It’s a subconscious thing.
Like, if you did go to the store for chocolate, seeing m&ms in an ad shortly before increases the likelihood you will choose that over some other chocolate you haven’t heard of or know of but don’t hear often.
That being said, this absolutely is a type of ad for m&ms, called gorilla marketing, where product names are present in otherwise unrelated content. Though it may not be intentionally placed by Mars themselves, it’s still a type of ad.
That typically requires an officer to determine if a life is actually at risk because of the dog. Call me crazy, but I don’t think anyone who interprets a Chihuahua as a life risk needs to be serving on a swat team.
The Dollop did a podcast on Jade Helm as it was happening. Definitely recommend listening to that one if you like American history podcasts. It’s episode 100 I believe