While I haven’t watched enough of his movies to have a overall opinion of them. As the only movie of a certan trilogy that I found good came out before The Prestige and the second which I VERY unpopulary don’t like came out after. I can somewhat agree with you.
Well Jämtland is Jämtland, but there is nothing wrong with that one. Really nice place, the biggest town is lovely, if you don’t like the city ther is plenty of smaller towns, villages and cabins in the woods. They even have there own famous lake monster.
I would recommend against the coup, but if you gave your mind set you can probably find some new friends there to help you.
A truck, like they are huge if you are humansize, imagine how absolutely gigantic it would be from an ants perspective.
Other stuff includes, motherbords, insids of mechanical watches, really small toys, eyes of different needles, sand, oil paintings, small syringes, a water droplet on a flat surface, microscope samples, Lego sets and a movie at the cinema.