As a Gen Z I wonder the exact same thing, and that violence seemsto be better than nudity bothes me too.
Personally I’m perfectly fine with nudity in media be it fitting or fan service.
If something bothers me about nude scenes or sex scenes for that matter, it isn’t about the nudity or sex in of it self, but more so that extremely shoehornd in romance and sex just because it has to happen if a male and female lead or support, spends any amount of time together.
I really hate that sort of practice and I much more prefer a crime movie with two friends as the main characters. Over the same crime movie but now they have to be in love, because one of them happened to be a woman. Of it’s a good love story or it makes sense I buy it, but more of the time it really doesn’t.
And as this is a very common trope in movies, this dose lead to me choosing movie that doesn’t feature romance or sex at all. Because that is easier than trying to find one that doesn’t just shoehorn the stuff in for the sack of it.
No no, plastic stuff are specifically made to be thrown at turtles in the water and you are not allowed to pet the plastic if it is on the ground. That is at least what the warning label on all plastic containers says.
Then you would LOVE the grocery store were I live. You can choose between green, green and green bananas, I haven’t seen them sell a even slightly yellow one for years, even the greenest one here is to yellow.