There’s like, one conservative community on one instance. And it’s like five people who get clowned on for making hilariously stupid and fallacious comments. They’re outnumbered in their own communities.
Out of everything out there, aircraft are NOT something to skimp and take shortcuts on. These fucks don’t care if we die on their aircraft if it means making shareholders a bit more money. God, I can’t wait for this system to fall apart.
There was this old game called Twistingo that my grandma had on her computer. Made by a long defunct company called eGames, it was basically like if Zuma and Bingo had a child. There were balls with numbers that’d slowly advance down a track, and you had one or more bingo cards. If the ball had a matching number on your card, you’d click on the number and the ball would vanish. If the balls reached the end, you lost. Really fun game, I still have the old disc for it.