Also people who think all all Jews are Israelis. My wife is Canadian Jewish, and she’s not very religious or political. I’m Latino and I know more about Israel than she does, but people sometimes try to put Israel’s baggage on her or her family because of their ancestry. She considers herself Canadian, and her Jewish heritage is a cultural one, not a location.
Remember kids, the church still continues to shuffle pedo priests and is still telling victims to eat shit. The Catholic Church is a corporation, and they only care about money and power, no matter how much their current PR pope spews hollow platitudes, without actually fixing anything.
Empty words from a fake “holy” leader who was elected by a board room of bankers and financiers.
Tip your building superintendent this Christmas, they’re actually on the top 10 list of dangerous jobs in North America, like 10 spots above cops. I’ve done the job and it’s high risk of ergonomic injury, as well as accidents, and working alone makes it even more hazardous. You can get sick from the job, get crushed by garbage bins, electrocuted, poisoned, gased, burned, fall off a ladder or worse, and it’s low pay.
I read an account somewhere once, about how these chiseled natives were met by the Europeans. Pudgy, pale, balding, Europeans. I can imagine the European women at seeing those badass men next to theirs.
I’ve been following the trial closely. His defense was just disgusting, essentially victim blaming and trying to discredit his victim. Also some texts came out during the trial that made him look like a complete psycho narcissist.
That’s my go to for sure. But what do you play them on? I am trying to find an app that will play my downloaded audio books and won’t lose my place or restart the file every day when I want to continue