Wait why is an IP or copyright bad? If I, a nobody make a great character or film, you’re saying that should belong to everyone and I should get nothing out of it? Bullshit, why even bother then?
Jenny was molested as a child by her dad, and though she loved forrest, when she slept with him, she felt like she molested him because of his condition. This caused her to run away and fall back into self loathing and drugs, thinking she just became her own father. She loved Forrest more than anything, that’s why she stayed away, because she was a ticking time bomb and didn’t want to hurt him. When she found out she was dying she accepted her love for Forrest and realized he was the only good person in her life, and the only one she trusted to raise their son
Nobody wants Israel to deal with Hamas, but nobody else steps up to do it either. Not only that, but nobody hates Palestinians more than other Arabs such as Egyptians. None of the Arab nations want to step up or take in refugees, same with Europe, all that talk from Europe but nobody will commit to taking in Palestinian refugees or sending in their own troops to weed out Hamas
It was when it first came out on ps3 for me. It was fun to run around as a nobody, get into gangland shoot outs and feuds with other players, have death matches in the hood, etc. But very quickly, within six months, the game had become full of cheaters and modders with tanks, so I stopped playing. I went back to it years later and it was not GTA, it was Saints row essentially, with flying bikes and laser guns and shit, it just became stupid and silly.
This past year is the first time I’ve had a job that gives me vacation days. My vacation consisted of my couch and my PlayStation. That’s really all I could afford.
This year the wife and I are going to Niagara falls (2 hours from us) for the weekend, so that’s kind of a vacation. But that’s the most I’ve been able to afford in the last 10 years.
I’m a condominium superintendent, I once had to go into all the units for smoke detector replacements. I get to one apartment and it stinks. There are dishes on the table with half eaten/rotted food. Pots on the stove that are the same. All the food in the fridge is molding, and the apartment is in general disarray.
I had to call my boss, who in turned tried to get a hold of the owners with no success. We had to end up calling the cops, who first sent a patrol, then later a detective to get a missing persons case going. A month later, the cops contact us to inform us that the owners went on a six month trip to China and didn’t think to tell anyone. They came back a few weeks later and acted like nothing happened. Turns out they were just filthy people, not dead.
Celebrities could retire into obscurity, go away and be forgotten, nobody would bother them. But they want and NEED to be hounded, stalked, chased and be the center of attention.