I avoided it because I’m sick of the white savior/I can’t relate to a movie unless there’s a white, male character as the lead, bullshit that Hollywood pulls. I know it’s based on a book, but I’m just sick of it, and DiCaprio, I’m sick of that guy being in everything.
As much as I hate him, I also hate actors who change and ad lib lines. Someone went through this work to phrase or develop a conversation or monologue, stayed up to make it the way they want, then an actor comes and changes it. I realized that while watching the making of Sopranos and David Chase explaining how disrespectful it is to to writer. But yeah Berman sucks.
I read an account somewhere once, about how these chiseled natives were met by the Europeans. Pudgy, pale, balding, Europeans. I can imagine the European women at seeing those badass men next to theirs.
I dunno about asparagus, but it turns out the Brussel sprouts we ate as kids were bitter and didn’t taste as good as the ones they sell now. But yeah, with asparagus, you gotta broil those bad boys with garlic/olive oil, etc
The director of the jeepers creepers series is a convicted pedophile who raped his 12 year old star during filming. Francis for Coppola continues to be his friend and funds his movies
I much prefer being a young parent, than the idea of raising teenagers in my 50s or 60s. I much rather have all my fun, travel and adventures with my kids or will do with my wife when we’re older and the kids moved out
When I first saw the droids in commercials or posters, I kinda thought they would just sound like imperial probe droids, which would be much creepier. Even as a kid, I really hated the voice they gave them