Blah blah blah, legally your cat is your PROPERTY. And if your pet becomes my pest on MY property, it will be dealt with as such. I don’t live in the wild, I live in my home on my property, keep your shit bag cat off of mine.
Reminds me of the SNL sketch where the rock plays banner trying to get an office job, and his co-workers troll him just to piss him off and get him to rip his suits
I hate vegetables. Hate em. At meals I eat only protein and carbs. The only way I get vegetables is by making veggie smoothies and chugging them. Not bad in the morning with fruit and veggies
Like David Chase once said to Tony Sirico when Sirico said “my character wouldn’t say that”
“Your character?? This is MY character mother fucker, I wrote him”
Everyone needs to stick to their job and not fuck with the jobs of others. Collaboration is ok, but not on most shows, as most scripts are written just the way they’re meant to be said