Luc Besson man, Leon was way more pedo on script but he had to pull back while filming. And the fifth element too, Leeloo was essentially a baby/toddler in an adult woman’s body so everyone wanted a piece of her.
My city has bullshit laws like this that are created solely to continue the monopolies held by gangsters and goons who pay politicians for their support.
In my city a food truck can’t park within view or 100ft of a restaurant. The reasoning was that the food trucks would hurt restaurants. But if the restaurant can’t compete with the food truck food that’s on them, and it sucks us all over who want a bite but don’t want to pay an arm and a leg for a sit down meal
I maintain that I was married to her in a past life. From our first date we clicked immediately. It felt like I was back into a groove with someone I’ve known forever. She came over to stay at my place for the weekend after like our 4th date, she never left. We’ve been living together since like 3 weeks after meeting, and we have never regretted it. We have kids and love each other and our life immensely.
All this advise is making me realize it wasn’t just a crush.
I’ve not seen her for years, I try my best to have contempt for her, I don’t look her up or make any sort of contact. She’s dead as far as I know, and that’s kinda how it feels. But I think about her often, I think about the regrets. It’s been years of no contact and I’m still mourning losing this “crush”
My neighbors cats used to wreck my herb garden and such. One of them once tried to rip through my window screen to get inside my house and get my pet parrot. I would have made that cat disappear if he had gotten in, and his owner would have never known what happened, and that would be their own fault
Can you imagine if dog owners just opened the door at night, and let their dogs fuck off to do whatever? They’d rightly be charged and have their pets taken away
Nobody wants Israel to deal with Hamas, but nobody else steps up to do it either. Not only that, but nobody hates Palestinians more than other Arabs such as Egyptians. None of the Arab nations want to step up or take in refugees, same with Europe, all that talk from Europe but nobody will commit to taking in Palestinian refugees or sending in their own troops to weed out Hamas