Upturn in 2011/2012, upward trend since: Cisgender, Critical Race Theory, Gentrification, LGBT, Transgender Downturn in 2011/2012, upward trend since: Unclear in 2011/2012, upward trend since: Bigot, Bisexual, Hate Speech, Identity Politics, Inclusive, Inequality, Intersectionality, Microaggression, Social Justice Upturn in 2011/2012, unclear trend since: Discrimination, Gay, Lesbian Downturn in 2011/2012, unclear trend since: Privilege Unclear in 2011/2012, unclear trend since: Black, Diversity, Empowerment, Equality, Human Rights, Liberation, Marginalize, Oppression, Racism, Representation, Solidarity, Systemic Upturn in 2011/2012, downward trend since: Equity, Heterosexual, Homosexual Downturn in 2011/2012, downward trend since: HRT Unclear in 2011/2012, downward trend since: Civil Rights
I certainly didn’t sort them perfectly. I don’t want to tell you what to think, but I will say that I was pretty sure of this theory before running this test, and though I feel the evidence supports it, it wasn’t as strong as I thought.
I also only pirate games I own, though for slightly different reasons. I don’t think you should pay for everything you get value from (I don’t [directly] pay people back for gifts, for example,) but I do think it’s theft to pirate a game you never bought. Plus, buying games is how you support the developers.
Ah, there it is, and that actually helps to answer the question. Assuming the Biblical God, canon states that God is love. So why would a perfect God, who is love, create a universe? It seems most likely to me that it would be so He can have an object of His love.
But what is love directed to something perfect and easy to love? That’s hardly a worthy effort. Might as well make something authentic. And since He isn’t just loving, but love itself, He might as well make it in such a way that He can carry out every aspect of love - love when they love you back, love when they turn away, love when they hate you, love when they don’t even think you exist, and so much more.
The universe must be filled with evil for half these situations to appear, but it’s not love to make someone evil. The solution? Free will. God made it so His creations were free to turn their backs on Him, but still, in love, He gave every warning against it, because separation from God is not only evil but death.