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You are an idiot if you really think that in three days the dog went from a healthy weight to overweight.

TheLurker, (edited )

And that is my point. Show me in my post where I praised the man?

I didn’t. I called out you lot for bandwagoning and group think. and you clearly are.

Because now you are making claims about my post which clearly do not exist.

I clearly directed this to the flood of “ding dong the wicked witch is dead” posters who know nothing about his achievements or what was LEVELLED AGAINST HIM BY IS CRITICS.

I clearly stated that he had critics. But you lot only saw that I was not jumping on the bash him bandwagon and then concluded that I’m a supporter because it went against status quo. That is the fucking definition of group think.

Personally I am not a fan of his politics or him as a person.

But for fuck sake, you lot are acting like he was the devil.


Solid counter argument. Did you come up with that one all by yourself or did mummy help you?

Isn’t it time for your tendies and a nappy change?


I don’t think I will because you lack the cognitive ability to debate, you just post tired old cliche ridicule.

I’m sure your “online friend points” really comfort you on those cold and lonely nights.


Irony and cliche in one post.

The irony of telling someone to “go outside and get a hobby” for posting online while conversely doing the same thing, coupled with the cliche of claiming “you’re a troll” because they have an opinion you disagree with.

Well done for double scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Can I expect more of your cutting wit in future replies? 🙄


Says the person that has been posting nothing other than personal ridicule from their first post to their most recent.

Seems to me you just don’t like the taste of your own medicine.

TheLurker, (edited )

I don’t think I’m unique at all, in fact I know I’m not. Humans are pretty predictable because of the fact we are not unique.

However your assertion that I’m contrarian because I’m not supporting the dogpile, is simply an assertion that my position is anti popular in it’s goal. And further you are assuming that the group think going on right now is the popular opinion amongst general society.

And while I would not be so bold to claim that “all of the media” is on this dogpile, I would ask if that is more a reflection of the media you choose to embrace, rather than the sentiment of general society.

Finally I’m not going to fall for the trick of claiming I’m some flakey fence sitter because I “failed to choose a side”, because I never claimed to be on Kissinger’s. I just don’t like this dogpile, it seems disingenuous to me. So someone needs to call it out.

I pointed out the huge amount of group think going on with this subject right now because the only opinions being expressed, and certainly the only being supported in this circle are those whom advocate to portray Kissenger as the devil.

I already said I’m not a fan of Kissenger and I disagree with pretty much all of his policies, but that opinion notwithstanding, the level of vitriol going on at the moment is nothing more than dogpiling using populist pandering and someone should at least call it out.

In the past few hours the feed has been full of this crap.

TheLurker, (edited )

Well then please elaborate. No need to be coy about it, you seem rather confident. Unless of course you are not.

So to reiterate, name the country.


Oh of course it is, unless you want to claim it isn’t. I already addressed this with my “hurr durr Nobel Peace Prize irrelevant because globalisation bad”.

Try reading the thread before commenting.

TheLurker, (edited )

No I’m not, I literally outlined in my initial post that there are critics of Kissenger.

I’m outlining that the subject is a dogpile of people engaging in group think where the only valid opinion is “he badman” and there is no honest discourse.

TheLurker, (edited )

You will surely get some upvotes and reinforce your view that you are right while yelling into the echo chamber with your fingers firmly pressed into your ears. 👏

I mean the fact your post was as cliche as a 16 year old could muster and still attempt to take a high ground on an intellectual premise is arrogance of the highest accord.


I mean really? How many unsubstantiated claims do you want to make, and must I really call them out?

A “mass murderer”, really, can you provide evidence other than IamRight weblinks? No you cannot, a legitimate criticism would be that he turned a blind eye to war crimes, he was not a mass murderer. That’s nothing more than hyperbola.

He was “A Jew but hated his own people”. Wow okay, yeah sure, that’s so egregious it doesn’t require rebuttal.

In any case, where did I state that I rejected criticism? I simply pointed out that Lemmy got a hardon today for dogpiling on this subject and there is no discourse, there is only group think.


Oh wow, so insightful. Well done.

Thank you for your entirely pointless and irrelevant comment. I hope you feel better now you have had your voice heard. 🙄

TheLurker, (edited )

And you’re the cliche regurgitator of other’s opinions without adding content to discussion.

In case that was unclear. You’re the type of person who interrupts a discussion to go “oh yeah what that other person said”, because you think it gains favour, cannot add value to a discussion and feel the need to be heard for you own self indulgence.

Are we done with irrelevant posts yet or should we go on?

TheLurker, (edited )

What a powerful counterpoint. I mean clearly because you do not agree I’m a bootlicker.

After all your echo chamber developed point of view is clearly correct.

I mean how could it not be? You didn’t come up with it yourself. You just looked at what everyone was saying and made a juvenile response to try and feel connected to the group.

Should we talk more about your need to feel like you have relevance in the group or are we done?

TheLurker, (edited )

You literally just started the Nobel Peace Prize is irrelevant, without qualification.

And now you want to claim I’m not “answering anything”.

I have made my best effort to answer replies. But why should I do more than what you are doing?

So please, as a Swede, somehow giving you special knowledge of the subject, explain why the Nobel Peace prize is irrelevant? I mean it started in Norway, so not even in your country. 🙄

I mean was it irrelevant when the Red Cross won it twice? What about when it was won by Bertha von Suttner? What about Kofi Annan? Or Narges Mohammadi?

Or is it maybe that it is only irrelevant when it doesn’t support your position?

TheLurker, (edited )

Well he was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War. He and his family fled the Nazis in 1938, then he joined the us army to fight them in 1943.

His views on defeating communism meant he also advocated for some fucked up shit. And most of his work in policy is why I’m not a fan of him.

But it’s not a binary thing. He is not the devil. Not even close to some of the people in power today.

My point has and continues to be that there is no discourse going on right now. There is just a dogpile.

I didn’t want to argue about the virtues of Kissenger, or lack. I wanted to point out the large amount of group think people are going into on THE SUBJECT.


You are correct there. They were big words wasted on a small mind.

My apologies.

TheLurker, (edited )

I never claimed that discourse doesn’t require rebuttal, in fact invite it. Honest debate is important.

Now I’m not saying this directly to you, but most of the replies I’m getting are not that. And most of the posts and threads about this subject are not that. It’s an echo chamber.

I just don’t want more irrelevant “lol you stupid” responses because they are pointless.

Now I’m probably going to piss you off here. But I don’t put a lot of stock in random .com and .net type links.

If they are .edu or at least well reviewed wiki article then I’ll consider them. Because I can also find links that support any argument and claim any “truth”.

As an example, the world is run by Reptile Aliens.…/240595423_The_Reptoid_Hypothes…


Unlike yourself I don’t need to take other people’s words and regurgitate them. Nor do I need cheap parlour tricks like inserting what I wish to argue against as the premise of my argument.

That was kind of the point. Sorry it was too nuanced for you.

Let me simply.

You are adding no value to this discussion because your comments are irrelevant and superficial.


So you didn’t rebuff my point. Only continued your line that the Nobel Peace Prize is irrelevant.

But I noticed you didn’t comment on the irrelevancy of those examples I gave you.

So tell me, why are these awards to Narges Mohammadi irrelevant? Why is it irrelevant to Nelson Mandela?

Don’t post more IamRight links about Kissenger. We established that this was a controversial award. We established that he is controversial.

I agreed.

Tell me why the award is irrelevant? Because your position is now hinging on the fact it is. This was your point was it not?


Yeah I’m sure he fled his country at 16 then chose to fight against the Nazis 4 years later because he was focused on “political power”. That’s fucking ridiculous and completely unsubstantiated

And again, IamRight links are bullshit. Show me published papers or edu links.

I have links that say the world leaders are Reptile Aliens.…/240595423_The_Reptoid_Hypothes…


Here is a question for the mind readers out there.

Why do I have a face of post-nut clarity when I’m only standing here looking at you?

Trick question. 😉


I mean he has all but announced the fact Twitter will go into administration soon.

He literally said this latest move by advertisers will tank the company. He then blamed them for this.

My guess is he wants to get the narrative going that other companies killed twitter and not his mismanagement of it.


It’s the leopard’s ate my face business strategy. 😆

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