Not a trekkie, do they ever land in atmosphere on these ships? You would want aerodynamics for that to reduce drag and thus heat, but I’m not familiar enough to know.
I guess they probably have good thermal protections with their future tech, though.
I would go crazy just to have the fatigue masking mask.
1 hour… fully rested??? Assuming one gets 8 hours of sleep a night (though, who is really getting 8 a night on lemmy?), you’ve just converted your ratio of sleep-to-awake from 1:2 to 1:23.
Extreme change imo, plus gives you the benefit of having time to take care of your hygiene anyway.
Don’t feel guilty. It is the normalization of expected behavior at a workplace that forces you to behave in a way that you do not want to.
It is their fault for fostering a space where people are not allowed to present as unhappy, tired, stressed out, or otherwise below neutral, even if said state doesn’t impact the quality of your work or communication.
We build relationships all around us where we are willing to understand that just because someone is not-happy does not mean that they don’t want to speak to you in good faith. We also typically understand that not everybody who seems gleeful has good intentions.
If you have any Asian/Korean markets near you, look for a chip called 꼬깔콘 (Kokkal Cone) Popping Corn chips.
They are the Korean equivalent of bugles, albeit imo a bit sweeter and less savory. Still beats not having bugles at all!
EDIT: There is a version of said chip that comes with closed triangles instead of cones… you will have to find the version with cones. It looks like this, except the original flavor has a red bag.
I think a good way to introduce people to the loss format is to show them the original vs the two-stick version, and then show the derivatives. It’s golden and still makes me laugh!
IIRC the change in temperature inhibits the production of chlorophyll (green), which means we see the other pigments which are yellow, orange, red. I remember the yellow/orange are carotenoids but can’t remember red.