Well, single digit percentages are easy. If it helps, move your decimal to the right so 9% becomes 90%. You can probably calculate 90% of 3 because you can do 10% and subtract it and get 2.7. Now move your decimal back to the left and you get 9% of 3 which is 0.27. You can do the same with higher percentages once you learn to break them in to 10% pieces.
I saw this type of manifesto on a brand new Yukon the other day in the Hobby Lobby parking lot. It was all cut vinyl lettering, nice contrast of color against the shiny black paint. It was honestly surreal, and could be an untapped market for the folks at Cricut.
Woodford Reserve is my go-to. It’s not hard to find, it has a reliable taste being a blended bourbon, and is generally well regarded. They are a big sponsor of the Kentucky Derby, so it’s got some cachet across the luxury brand spectrum. However, my grandpa worked for Brown-Forman his whole life so it has an emotional connection for me and makes me a little biased.
Weller Special Reserve (green label) is pretty easy to find these days, about $50 a bottle and considered by some to be one of the more accessible PVW-adjacent bourbons.
I’ll add Booker’s to this list, if your friend enjoys sour mash flavor profiles like Jim Beam/Jack Daniels. It’s pricier, maybe over $100 now, and a bit harder to find.