Maybe not. I don’t think the prequels are good movies, but there’s no denying they’re some dumb fun that certainly appeals to a lot of people. The sequels don’t even have that going for them. I can’t imagine anyone being nostalgic about the return of Palpatine.
The funny thing is, I grew up with a bunch of Mormons for friends and one teacher I know of, and I never found out about most of the stuff they believe until much later. At least they (the ones I grew up with anyway) have the decency to not go around spreading their dogma to non-believers until they’ve already thoroughly roped them into their cult.
Truthfully, I have mixed results when it comes to drinking these days. Sometimes, it’s fine. I drink a few beer, get a nice buzz and wake up totally fine. It’s really only once or twice I had the situation I mentioned above where I hardly drank anything and woke up hungover anyway. In those cases, I didn’t chug a bunch of water because I assumed since I wasn’t feeling the effects at all, I’d be fine. If I am buzzed or verging on drunk, then I will chug a liter or something. Though for me, it’s 50/50 on whether that prevents a hangover. I don’t like those odds. It just seems more and more like the short buzz and euphoria it brings more and more often isn’t worth the chance of ruining the next day. Especially given how much shittier your system gets at handling this stuff as you get older.
It was weird. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS printed perfectly. First try, every time. Barring printer issues not related to the OS anyway. Then, 20.04 dropped, and I couldn’t print anything. For two years, I had to move files to the Mac on the front desk to print at work because it refused to print anything. Same printer. I tried a few fixes people had posted, but none worked for me, and most fixes were for HP printers and mine is an Epson, which no one reported any problems with.
Now, with 22.04, I get intermittent printing. It works more often than not, but I’d estimate my print jobs get randomly canceled about 30% of the time. Which is annoying, but not deal-breaking since I usually just push it through again, and it works. To be fair, it might be because of wireless printing, but I doubt it since like I said, 18.04 worked flawlessly with the exact same setup. I might just try out Mint sometime and see if it makes a difference.
That sounds like a lot of trouble and potential trouble for people who use the printer who don’t have the trouble I do. I can live with the failure rate. It happens quickly, and I can just print again. If Mint fixes it, that’s great!
I’m a fairly prolific poster. At least commenter. I started a community here for a subreddit I miss. I’ve even got 97 subscribers. Three of us post anything, and I am by-far the most active of those three. I highly suspect that’s an expected ratio of lurkers to posters. Meaning, if I want a reasonable number of engagement, I need to get like thirty times as many subscribers. I can’t see that happening any time soon unless Reddit actually collapses.
As I get older, the cold bothers me more. Used to be, I could go outside and throw snowballs with my bare hands no problem. Nowadays, the temperature drops below 10, and suddenly my hands physically hurt if they get cold. It’s not even related to how physically fit I am given I started a five-day-a-week gym habit eight years ago and am in some of the best shape of my life. It’s just stupid aging as far as I can tell.
In my hometown, we had “Mr. Noshirt”. He’d walk everywhere in any weather either without a shirt on, or with a flimsy dress shirt unbuttoned the whole way. In Canada, so it got cold. Rumors were “couldn’t feel cold” or the more likely “mental health problems.”
Well, the guy you are responding to is maybe only thinking of people whose hearing is diminished in some manner. Not people whose hearing is otherwise incapacitated through something like tinnitus or like the other poster in here who has auditory dyslexia. Both of whom may be inconvenienced by headphones or earbuds and have an easier time with speaker phone than those options. Maybe try to explain how you think they are being insensitive or lacking empathy rather than just accusing them of such without explanation.
The year Titanic came out, I finally decided to see what the fuss was about in it’s 18th week playing (a new record!) in our local theater. I took my seat, and there were a couple of teenage girls a few seats over from mine. They started sobbing during the opening credits. I’m fairly certain they’d seen the movie already. Probably more than once.
I’m re-watching DS9 for the third time or something, but I’ve never seen anything released after Voyager except for the Abrams movie travesties. Am I still a Trekkie?
Buncha wimps. Spiders are not out to get you. In fact, they’re out to get far more annoying insects like mosquitoes and houseflies. Do you know how many diseases those two spread? Do you know how many spiders spread? Spiders are your friends!
To help contribute, here’s the only meme I’ve ever done, which I did in response to news that Abrams was working on a new ST movie. And after seeing how well the franchise is going with SNW and LD, I feel it’s even more appropriate.
I’ve hated him since Lost. Possibly even Alias. Stupid mystery box bullcrap, Yeah, some unresolved mystery is fine. Your entire show shouldn’t revolve around boatloads of them being insufficiently explained.
Back in my day (
Were this the ‘good ole times’ they always talk about? (
It would have to be a VERY lazy dog to allow a fox to jump over it anyway. (
It really makes me cringe every time they talk about logic... (
Drinking in your 20s vs 30s [Sarah Anderson] (
Linux mint = best beginner distro (
Sensors report that sanity levels in this sector are decreasing rapidly, Captain (
To all the people complaining about content on Lemmy (
I have never understood that. (
Aaaaaand it's over (
When you need to retire an old server (
Beware imposters... (
Why do you still look worried? (
How is this not the worst episode of DS9? (
One thing the fandoms can agree on. (
To help contribute, here’s the only meme I’ve ever done, which I did in response to news that Abrams was working on a new ST movie. And after seeing how well the franchise is going with SNW and LD, I feel it’s even more appropriate.