Not just the angle tho, the height of the headlights themselves! Even if aligned properly if the headlights are 5’ off the ground and my back window is 3.5’ when they tailgate it illuminate the inside of my car !
Hmm, sorry my associate was meaning “temporary solution”, about every year you will need a new one. And we are so generous that if you buy two years in advance we will give you a 10% rebate and a big ole sticker with our brand in bold colors on it so you can give us free publicity.
I make around 60k and I barely can afford to survive. And I have a decent rent (1000$), but car payments, insurance, phone, internet and food all got more expensive. I can’t even afford a vacation anymore ! I barely make it and I think of those single parents trying to get by with less and it breaks my heart. If I a single man with no kids have to skip meals once in a while I can only imagine what those poor kids have to go through.
Et je commence à voir beaucoup de “coal runner”, ou/et avec des pneus surdimensionné suspension élevé etc… Toutes des modifications illégale mais pourtant t’en vois partout. Sont-ils si riche qu’ils peuvent se payé des contraventions en continu où la police fait rien ?
We do, I remember my friends mom had pills labeled placebo, and she said they where making her feel better, me and my friend looked at eachother and said nothing in front of her mom. When we where alone together we laughed a little and agreed that we shouldn’t say anything since her mom was doing better.
I want to be able to participate at my friend’s Christmas party. I am so broke I can’t even bring food, no gift for anyone and of course everyone has gifts for eachother. I don’t want a gift but I hate to be the “cheap” one.