To be fair cremation probably can cost the same or more depending on the additional cost. It’s stupid why death cost so much financially. Families already facing the emotional cost of losing their love ones.
If you are an aspiring serial killer planning on serial killing then I’d say at victim #3 you should really invest in a small kitchen cremator to ignite your serial killing career
That’s right, cryo is both cheap, viable, and resource light! Just smack some solar panels on that badboy and you won’t even have to think about rising electricity prices.
in general, agreed on the point about coffins, and using land just for butial into perpetuity is not a great tradition.
If and where it’s just about the use of a box, and/or about the using of land space solely for burial, then one other option they can adress bith of these is ‘green conservation butkal’.
The land is used for nature and ecosystem restoration and conservation at the same time, and there is no box/coffin required at all. They can also sometimes be less expensive than conventional burial (with the box and the embalming and so on) or even conventional cremation. Some more about the subject at:
It’s not that absurd if you’re thinking of your family. Just… myself and other people have way different priorities. Some that might involve dipping my corpse in peanut butter and covering it in birdseed so that I might be the world’s first human pinecone bird feeder.
Edit: I just hope when I’m dead there is one person around to say, “He’s dead, he could in no way possible give one more single fuck…”
I’ve told my family more than once to arrange my funeral the cheapest way possible. If they had the option to dump me in the ocean, they have my blessing. Don’t spend money on me, I’m DEAD.
It was really educational when I got to do it. Studying Netter’s and Gray’s (or in my case Finn Boysen Møller) can only get you so far. If you want to really understand anatomy, and the insane amount of variation that occurs, then dissection is a pretty good way forward.
You joke, but it really is an incredibly cool experience. I am not a doctor, but I was privileged to have a hands on anatomy class in school where we had human cadavers. Things are so different in person than they are in textbooks. And getting to actual see, touch, and feel how the human body works and how it goes wrong is just amazing. I was so wowed by it that it’s what led me to my career today (working in a hospital lab with human organs).
Don’t tell your family what to do at your funeral, because you’ll be dead. It’s not for you, it’s for the people left behind. So let them do what they feel is right.
Besides, how could ever know or care? You’re DEAD.
It seemed apparent, to me at least, that the person you replied to had the intention of telling their loved ones not to spend on OP’s account. Not that they’re forbidding the family from any course of action.
I guess if you take it super literally, okay, whatever. But the smallest amount of thought seems to make this obvious.
I have a song I’d like to be played for the 5 people who’ll attend, but that’s more about the message it convey - if I don’t get to use my death to influence people, then I guess I don’t really have a choice. I have a preference with regard to burial vs cremation, but that’s it. For the rest, you figure it out. Don’t want to maintain a burial plot? Fine, don’t want a tomb stone? Fine. You have to deal with it, so you get to decide.
I mean, what this ad should really read is “save your family thousands”. If you can afford it and have the resources, preplan your whole burial plan so your family can just grieve instead of dealing with all the admin of it.
I don‘t want to be put in casket when I die and have people mourning. Two things should be thrown when I die: a big ass party and whatever is left of me into the trash.
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