The governments of countries that stupidly don’t have single payer healthcare and the local governments punishing the unhoused for existing rather than adequately helping them find housing.
Looks like it SHOULD work, but when I search for addons, I get quick (far too quick to select any of them m) flashes of gray rectangles where suggestions would normally be and no search results after I execute the search.
I’m beginning to suspect that the Firefox app is broken 😕
My phone won’t open xpi files and the only solutions I’ve been able to find is either create a html file in the same folder, which I don’t know how to do on android, or download and install an extension which is ALSO only available as an xpi 🤦
Oh absolutely! Tge likes of Zynga are a plague on mankind and developers of games with actual merit (no thanks to said developers) following their example is hugely detrimental to the quality and accessibility of games in general.
Without reading the article, I’m going to guess that crackers have gotten more skilled and the greedy as fuck leeches destroying what is still one of the most profitable industries in the world are especially freaking out about there being others than just a single megalomaniac cracking Denuvo now.
Yes, it’s smaller than 6 by 4 nautical miles. Should fit comfortably within those dimensions.
It doesn’t look that big on the television.
Depends on both the size of your TV and your distance from the TV. I’ve personally found that it looks enormous when having my face pressed directly to the glass of a 36 inch tv, but that was a while ago and your mileage may vary 🤷
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