And then there’s Brassica oleracea, where it’s not even a family, but one single species that brings us a heap of classic veggies including cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, and gai lan. If you expand to its family you can add turnip, bok choy, radish, wasabi, as well as the majority of source vegetables in the eponymous “vegetable oil”.
That relies on their detection actually detecting the right piece.
I once recorded myself playing Beethoven’s “Pathetique” sonata, mvt 2. It gave me a strike for a recording of Beethoven’s “Moonlight” sonata, mvt 1.
edit: of course, in both cases, the thing is public domain, and no company has any right to claim copyright on it. The fact that YouTube lets them is fucking criminal. And it was the piece itself that copyright was being claimed on, not the recording.
There is a 0% chance that AI can accurately determine if someone is 18 or not, even with hypothetical futuristic AI technology. Some 20-year-olds look very young. Some 16-year-olds look shockingly old. And nobody changes very significantly between the day of their 18th birthday and the day they were 17 years, 364 days.
The lack of the word “and” in the number there made this parse really weirdly in my brain.
Instead of “I play with 615 giraffes”, I read it as “I play with 600 15-giraffes”. I don’t know what a 15-giraffe is, but it sounds like it might be an unstable isotope or something.
Plagiarism, by definition, is taking the work of someone else without attribution. If you’ve provided attribution, it cannot ever be plagiarism.
Note that this is not the same as copyright infringement. If I upload the complete 3rd season of Knight Rider to YouTube, that’s copyright infringement, no matter what. But if I were to do it and say “created by Glen Larson for NBC” in the description of every video, it would not also be plagiarism.
The above site cannot be plagiarism because every single one points back to a specific XKCD comic or comics that it used as its source. It could be copyright infringement, although I suspect it would probably qualify for a fair use defence due to being parody.
I wanna see something like this for other accents. The gimmick in this sentence doesn’t work at all in my accent because they all use different vowels (apart from earned and urn). What’s the Australian equivalent to this? RP? Scottish? I reckon the Kiwi version would be pretty funny.
It’s important to note that the court has not actually (yet) found that Israel is committing genocide. It’s just said to Israel “hey, while this case is ongoing, make sure no genocides happen, k?” It’s more similar to a temporary injunction that a court might make against a company during a civil suit, because the court finds it plausible that they might end up needing to make a ruling against them.
How did the AI decide to ignore the skirt that literally every real hovercraft (and therefore, one would presume, source image of a hovercraft) has to trap the air below it?
There are protections against false DMCA claims. I think a false DMCA claim is actually perjury.
The thing is though, the vast majority of claims on YouTube are not DMCA. YouTube has their own extra-legal system called Content ID. Where a DMCA claim carries the force of law and requires the allegedly infringing content be removed from the platform, claims under Content ID are essentially a contract with YouTube, and they give the claimant the choice of taking the video down, muting it (if the allegedly infringing content is audio), or monetising it and taking all the money for the claimant. They can also do different things by region, which is why at least historically a lot of videos were taken down in Germany but available elsewhere.
Depends on your source. I’m sure there’s some context on which that’s true.
If we’re talking the transphobic author’s world, a male witch is a wizard. Warlock, there, is a title kinda like “knight”.
In D&D a warlock is a person who gets magic by forming a pact with an otherworldly patron, like a devil or fey. A witch has meant different things at different times, but probably most strongly conjured images of an old-looking hag brewing potions with a familiar.
According to IRL wiccan lore a warlock is an evil male practiser of witchcraft, while a witch can be male or female.
Other contexts will have other explanations, I’m sure.
I do know for a fact that the Pope has someone working at the Vatican who is precisely the kind of nerd that might be on this site. The Pope himself…probably not.