This message showed when I entered the serial specifically made for pirates. Right now feeling nothing but respect for plugin devs. Next month Imma buy this plugin 100% fixed, need it or don’t need it doesn’t matter anymore lol.
I like Star Trek because of the hopeful future it depicts, the exploration I would love to experience, and the well developed characters.
Episodes are varied, one episode might focus on a side character’s love life, where another might be a battle against a superior foe that feels like a Das Boot adaptaion.
I recommend Strange New Worlds, it’s a return to episodic storytelling, it’s got great visuals, great actors, and the weakest episode is better than The Next Generation’s average episode.
I recently introduced a friend to Star Trek with SNW without explaining anything and it did a great job of introducing the setting and itself
Pretty much the title. I’ve been watching more realistic super hero shows like The Boys and Invincible. The reoccurring themes is that with great power comes great immorality....
One of my cats goes through the hairball motions occasionally, but I think he catches the hairball in his mouth and swallows it again because I never see the result
Love devs' attitude towards piracy, TruePianos v1.9.8 (audio VSTi plugin) (
This message showed when I entered the serial specifically made for pirates. Right now feeling nothing but respect for plugin devs. Next month Imma buy this plugin 100% fixed, need it or don’t need it doesn’t matter anymore lol.
What's a food you love, that isn't worth making from scratch?
For me, crepes ain’t worth the stress to make fresh. Just buy a little pack from store and focus on filling is my go to.
As you know, our blockade is perfectly legal (
Nerds of equal standing. (
Be honest: if you had the power to stop time, your morals would go out the window. (
Pretty much the title. I’ve been watching more realistic super hero shows like The Boys and Invincible. The reoccurring themes is that with great power comes great immorality....
Let me tell you something about Hew-mons (
Best Captain in Starfleet (
No I’m not accepting any arguments, thank you
It never gets old (
Can someone open this pickle jar? (
4chan prepared me for this debate 😏 (
Chad Pacific (
ironic (
A Critically Endangered Sumatran Rhino Successfully Gives Birth In Indonesia (
What "sacred Bajoran trinket" do you suppose this is? (
Found in DS9 s2e12 “The Alternate” and it’s totally not an air freshener from the 90’s.
Even in the fridge, they only last so long... (
Behold: Pufferfish Bones (
Cat heaves and abdominal contractions even when relaxed, what think
We will see a vet but for now I need ideas. Dont have $1000 spare dollars in my couch to be exploratory as opposed to result oriented
It just isn't complete without it (