Indians are present in big numbers on reddit and other websites due to how populated India is, how english is popular there and that they aren’t contained in national platforms like their chinese neighbors. It makes them noticeable for bigots to single them out and target. Just because they want someone to hate and laugh at to up their self-esteem.
Place mouse pointer over next page button, so it clicks each time.
Lauch my Autokey script via Home button.
Enter number of pages.
See how it does it.
Open screenshots directory in XnView, select them. Locate it’s BatchConvert tool, in Actions tab select a crop action and adjust it to pages’ margins. ACHTUNG The last one should be done differently, you can open it in XnV and crop this one alone.
Use any tool to stitch them back together into a PDF. I’ve used PDF Arranger: But some user down there said it crashed on 600-something pages document.
My link was updated with a slightly better PDF. Comparison on max zoom: A person with a 4k display could make better, but that’s what my screen is capable of.
Either way, it was a fun puzzle for my entry knowledge of linux\python\macroses and I feel I’ll use this method a couple of times myself. Hope someone would make use of it.
I too took my speeds for granted before I learnt many people I know have a cable connection worse than mobile. It’s 2023, in a big city. How does it make sense?
What I dislike about all these services is all of them have their own app\UI, many of them are awful and take time to figure out. There are plenty of refined software solutions for playing music and videos, they have plugins you can put your DRM overseer in, they exist for decades. Yet every one of them see their mission in reinventing the bycicle once again. I want my experience and my hotkeys to be consistent, to have the same quality whatever I consume. The only way to achieve that is to invest the same money into a big hard drive and then leech and seed.