I had found a bunch of complimentary materials to what I was watching on rutracker-dot-org. It’s not anime-oriented, but it can serve as a last place to search them.
When the air is too intense, it can move carts around and break them into a parked or even a moving car. I didn’t believe it before I saw it myself. One another reason to fix them in a corral. Redoing a paint job after such random shit’s what I wish not to myself, nor to anyone.
There Will Be Blood. The acting is brilliant and you see the MC going from a poor miner to his own oil empire, showing just what sociopathic chameleon he is at many points. It’s longer than average, but it’d sure keep you engaged. I see it as a modern-made epic story that pretty much describes what (self-built) multi-millionaires are like.
I’m troubled by the suspicion many people I dislike have personal bunkers with plenty supplies, while those I care about don’t. That’s a big L for me, and W for persons I hate.
most phones will just struggle to record and process audio indeterminately without a noticeable impact on energy and data use.
I mean, it’s still a valid concern for a commoner. Why my phone has twice the ram and twice the cores and is as slow as my previous one? I’d love to fuel this conspiracy into OS, app makers to do their fucking job.
There’s no reason an app can weight more than 50mb on clean install*, and many socials, messengers fail to fit in. A client I use to write this is only 30+, and that’s one person doing that for donations.
If there could be a raging theory that apps are selling your data to, like, China, there would be a push to decline it and optimize apps to fit that image.
I obviously exclude games, synths, editors of any kind with their textures and templates.
I blame technology for that one. Animals on coats of arms are created in one, maybe two colors, they are to be replicated in various sizes and materials. It’s a simplified shape that is easy to copy and can still be read on flags, on documents etc.