You forgot about the material extraction and carbon emissions for manufaturing a new electric car. Can someone link the data for it please?
Edit: The article in below reply says it best. Lithium extraction and manufaturing emissions for electric cars are bad for the environment but still dozens of times better than ICE cars lifecycle emissions
Go learn where the simulation universe and timless holographic universe came from before saying a theory is evidence backed. Both have leap of faith instead direct proven evidence or tested results. Both exist because they’re possible theories that cannot be proven true nor false, and most impoartantly they are not in the same scientific level or field to be compared in first place, and also they both can exist without even contradicting each other. Religon does not only try to explain the arrow of time and current universe like simulation theory tries to do and that’s one reason of many why they are incomparable. First, religon answers why the laws of existences exist which has no matching theory in theoritical physics except for because laws exist otherwise there wouldn’t be ones that create conciousness aka it is what it is otherwise it wouldn’t. Secondly, most of the religon ones hold defined philosophical consequences and requirements for your existance while the simulation one comes with no philosophy, provides you with nothing and asks nothing from you because it’s just theoratical physics that answers nothing more and still needs explanation.
I think I got a crush on my dance instructor. Which fucking sucks for all the obvious reasons. Normally I wouldn’t be so worried. BUT I JUST HAD A GODDAMN ROMANTIC DREAM ABOUT HER. Seriously I just woke up from a dream about her confessing her love to me and me eagerly doing the same about her....
not possible due to our situation. me and my family are travel banned by the government, siblings in jail, and Im the only one with my mom. it sucks I know
It sucks such thing does not exist where I’m from. Even if she was earning 10x times more than you, she does not contribute a penny to your kids , house or bills. I’m not making this up
Very very frustrating and keeps happening to every time I use the app. I type full paragraphs that disaapear if I look away from the screen 10 seconds and it dims black (did not even lock phone or exit app). It haapened this time while I was reading the comment I typed before posting it. I cannot stress how awful that is and it...
I wish Connect at least shows the drafts I have if that’s the case. Also visited posts since it hides them and it becomes impossible for me to find again. Both of these are saved temporarily until cache is cleared or app is closed. currently it’s just so frustrating
Electric cars: The equivalent of switching from binge drinking whiskey to binge drinking wine. (
We hit one third of boomers being dead in the last few days. (
New Linux user here. Is this really how I'm supposed to install apps on Linux?
Both beliefs are fine, but please realize the hypocrisy (
How much for cuddles? (
A repost from r/linuxmemes - Because I saw the original comic (
Luigi (with Linux Mint logo) and Mario (Ubuntu logo) come in...
Weather app asking for permission to manage calls (
How do I stop a crush from developing further?
I think I got a crush on my dance instructor. Which fucking sucks for all the obvious reasons. Normally I wouldn’t be so worried. BUT I JUST HAD A GODDAMN ROMANTIC DREAM ABOUT HER. Seriously I just woke up from a dream about her confessing her love to me and me eagerly doing the same about her....
ELI5 the whole Wayland vs X11 going on.
This is the year, guys. (
Best feeling ever (OC) (
(I also posted this on Reddit, I’m not a reposter)
Issue Comments Disappear as soon as screen goes black
Very very frustrating and keeps happening to every time I use the app. I type full paragraphs that disaapear if I look away from the screen 10 seconds and it dims black (did not even lock phone or exit app). It haapened this time while I was reading the comment I typed before posting it. I cannot stress how awful that is and it...