Not surprised Robbie didn’t get a Best Actress nomination, but I really felt Gerwig was a shoo-in for Best Director. Gerwig can still walk away with Best Picture and/or Best Adapted Screenplay though, so it doesn’t feel like a total snub.
the fuck are you going on about? who is the “white savior” in this movie?
i just watched the trailer, and jesse plemmons isn’t even in it. he didn’t even show up in the film until near the very end.
go complain about something you actually understand instead of whining about the existence of a movie that very explicitly goes out of its way to not do the things you accuse it of doing.
I’m sick of that guy being in everything.
dicaprio has been in 5 movies over the last decade, i would hardly call that “being in everything”.
disability benefits can’t be garnished. i think it’s ok to be mad at people for spreading misinformation even if they themselves are fighting a just cause. lies like this help nobody.
Scorcese’s problem with “marvel movies” is the lack of creative control afforded to the filmmakers rather than their derivative nature. These two concepts are often intertwined, but not mutually inclusive.
He was actually in talks to direct Joker a film highly derivative of his own work, but ended up turning it down because he did not want to have to answer to the studios demands for how this existing world and characters should be handled.
you still need the spare income to buy new land while continuing to pay mortgage/rent at your current home, and the spare time to do all the actual development