Phone ringtones from Zedge app may give you some ideas. There’s loads of music snippets that have been ripped from songs that have just the right length.
My current ringtone is the famous riff from Du Hast by Rammstein.
My message notification is the bleeping from Ich Wil.
Check out Zedge or whatever the equivalent apple app would be.
I really liked Jordan for a while. I even bought his book (12 Rules of Life).
But he seemed to go a bit mental at some point and I lost interest.
Then I read a massive blog post by one of his former colleagues that said he’d always wanted to establish a church and be a preacher. It all kinda fell into place and I realised he’d always been mental.
HA! The Norwegians have terrible air quality because their mountains clog smoke in valleys. I noticed this when looking up the UKs and spotted my English city had better air quality than lots of Norway. Swedish hobgoblin motherfuckers.
A bunch of teenagers (16-18) on a European (2westerneurope4u) Discord server took the piss out of me cos my avatar was Edward Elric. Apparently that’s not cool. Especially, considering my age. It made me sad. :(