I can understand people being scared of big dogs. However I grew up with a lot of dogs and I’ve been charged by a bully XL. My instinct was to smile and lunge at it making dog-talk noises and to fuss it. It jumped into my face and bust my lip but it jumped back in fear cos it thought it’d be in trouble for hurting me.
I carried on fussing it to let it know I forgave it and it wasn’t a problem.
It wasn’t until after I realised that non-dog people would have shit themselves and shown fear. Which could have triggered the dog to attack.
As a millenial I found I had a lot more in common with my Gen Z brother than I do with my boomer father. However, the little shit treated and thought of me like I’m a boomer. He’d consider my shitty FPS playing on console to be a sign “I couldn’t play games” (I’m a PC gamer).
I’d like to think he’ll mature and realise he was being a little cunt but I doubt he will.