none of those mean that the vast majority of humans can thrive or even be healthy on a vegan diet. and while the food itself may be cheap, it may lack convenience or cultural appropriateness, and therefore come with costs that are hidden at the checkout counter.
what crops that are fed to beef chicken and pork are parts of plants that people won’t eat for the most part. The same fields that grow the soybeans we use for oil are growing soybeans that are used as feed. The same soybeans that are used for oil are used for feed.
“closed hole” flute: I have a tendency to pick up loud and obnoxious instruments. trumpet. diatonic harmonica. penny whistle. it would be cool to have a genuinely soft instrument. also, having skills that would transfer to piccolo:D
i’m so glad you used this. you can find this graph there that shows that almost all the soy we feed to animals is the industrial waste from oil production
about 85% of all soybeans are pressed for oil for human uses. but a soybean is only about 20% oil altogether. that leaves 69% of the soybeans as industrial waste. feeding that industrial waste to animals is actually conserving resources.
so it’s not even true that the land used to make food for animals isn’t used to make food for people: it’s the same land.
disease and lactose intolerance are also constructs. all meaning is constructed. without an observer, there cannot be meaning. you get to decide which constructs you uphold.