It does a way better job at most frozen food and leftovers than a microwave does, but takes longer.
Almost anything you'd deep fry can be lightly spritzed with oil and done in an air fryer instead.
If it's big enough for a pizza, you can make one from scratch instead of frozen. It's cheaper than anything but the cheapest frozen crap and a lot better.
A coupon for the same service is not and does not resemble a refund.
Yes, villainizing them is entirely correct. If they sold the license 100 years ago and stopped providing it, they should be legally liable for a 100% refund of the purchase price, plus interest. If they fucked up their contracts in a manner in which they aren't able to serve the content to purchasers until the end of the time, it's entirely their own problem.
"Slavery's illegal... unless we want you for jury duty." is definitely some horseshit. My job will pay for like a week, but the fact that it's entirely possible to be called for longer and have the state pay you fuckall is ridiculous.
I get your point that the exploit existed before it was identified, but an unmitigated exploit that people are aware of is worse than an unmitigated exploit people aren't aware of. Security through obscurity isn't security, of course, but exploiting a vulnerability is easier than finding, then exploiting a vulnerability. There is a reason that notifying the company before publicizing an exploit is the standard for security researchers.
You're right that it's never an OK title, because fuck clickbait, but until it's patched and said patch propagates into the real world, more people being aware of the hole does increase the risk (though it doesn't sound like it's actually a huge show stopper, either).
Meme was coined by Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene in 1976, and defined as the equivalent of a gene but for more abstract ideas (because the gene is ultimately just a unit of information as well). I don't remember for sure if religion is specifically an example he personally used, but if it's not it's very comfortably in the same vein.