The fact that the battle against spending lots of money on groceries is to spend even more money in groceries. I hate that you’re right and we’re doomed.
For a hobby if you’re into that kind of thing, yes, making bread at home can be fun and easy.
For cost effective, not even close. Homemade bread cost 2 - 3 times store bought if you factor in all the time, tools, equipments, electricity, and materials needed.
My wife loves baking. The upfront cost for all the equipments and tools are thousands of dollars (including a very nice oven). After that, the cost of material has never break even compared to store bought because we always use higher quality stuffs. Also bakery bought their supplies in bulk so it’s even cheaper.
The old chef forged documents to take over the restaurant for himself, stealing from the protagonist, took advantage of the name Gustav to sell cheap food for profit.
Yup, I have the same problems with anime. I just can’t stand the cringe fanservice, people actually like that? I have dropped so many anime because of the constant fanservive or the borderline pedophile. It’s sad that even anime that’s considered “serious” or “high quality”.
Just the other day, decided to what this new anime about a demon lord vs hero kind of thing. Episode 1, the Demon lord’s side kick is a teenage girl wearing a elementary school swimsuit with sleeves and collar. And then in a conversation scene, the camera angle is…you guess it…from behind the girl and looking up at the girl’s ass for no fucking reason. Dropped instantly.
I was always wonder how the heck did beef and milk are so cheap in US. I live in south Asia btw. Our income and wages are dog shit compared to the USA, yet our (normal) beef cost US$15 per kilo (the “good stuffs” could cost up to US$25 per kilo).
Thanks, I want something that’s like 90% beans, not just something that have beans in it like burrito and chili. Like those “English breakfast” beans in red sauce.
Cats are just a whole other being of existence. My cat fell asleep next to the wooden cabinet that I’m hammering down at full force, but got scared shitless and zooming to hide when I dropped a spoon.