edit: aww, my favorite racing game Dirt Rally 2.0 is not supported, windows only. But Dirt Rally (1) is supported by all 3 OS: windows, mac, and linux, plus support for VR. So somehow the sequel is worse. Is it just a case of lazy devs?
The moral of piracy is hard to define imo. And there’s definitely no hard right or wrong.
In my case, in the past I pirate because I live in a 3rd world country and $60 is entire month’s salary.
Nowadays, some time games doesn’t offer demo or trial, and I can’t afford to buy something I wouldn’t enjoy after 30 minutes playthrough.
Some people say they pirate because fuck the devs or publishers. But then you But for me, if some devs or publishers are considered bad and not worth supporting in my eyes, I just doesn’t give a shit about anything they put out. It’s that simple, don’t look it up, don’t talk about it, don’t engage in its discussion online, fuck’em. Nintendo is one of those in my eyes because of their constant anti-consumer behavior.
Fuck those abusers. They’re the reason why Steam adjusted the regional pricing in my country to +50% (some games +100%). Before, $60 games in western countries are translated to $10 in my country, now they’re $15 - $20. And our minimum wage is <$1/hour.
Actually, Steam Regional Pricing is the only way I can afford to buy games legitimately. I live in a 3rd world country, and we’re poor compared to the majority of the world. Thanks to regional pricing, a full price USD$60 game is now $15 in my country. Believe it or not but minimum wage here is <$1/hour.
I have to admit that I’ve never bought a game “full price” of $15, not that I wanted to, just can’t afford it. I believe my most expensive game is ~$10.
Don’t even need Steam deck. The Steam store has put an end to my pirate life over a decade ago.
On multiple occasions, I have found myself rather wait for sale and bought a game on Steam, than receive it for free on Epic store.
I put every single games that I have ever pirated in Steam’s wishlist (if it’s available). Then slowly buying them one by one when they goes on sale. I’m not rich by any means and it’s the least I can do.
Ngl, if they make gym work as some kind of “heavy work” simulator games like Farming or Mining, with tracking progress, achievements, and competitive ranking, I would be at the gym way more.
VR games already make me work out way more than I thought I would.
This is not even exaggerated, FTK (first turn kill) and OTK (one turn kill) are totally common. Back in the day of Yu-Gi-Oh, our group of friends occasionally using those “imbalance” or “META” decks to duel each other to have a little bit of fun and have some laughs when we feel “burn-out” playing with regular decks.
Besides FTK and OTK, there are also decks that’s just built to “annoy” the opponent lol.
Like completely locking the play field so no one can really do anything but skip their turns.
Locking your own field so the opponent cannot attack you, they can summon the strongest cards in their deck to just sit there and slowly fill up their own field.
Summon tons of token cards (disposable) so your opponent wasting all of their attack without doing any damages.
Make your opponent burn (discard) all of their decks.
Insanely fast regenerate LP (life points), so unless your opponent can kill you in one turn, you’ll just keep getting your LP regenerate.
Suicide deck to kill you both so the match end in a draw. (Robbing your opponent of satisfaction).