By that logic get away from Linux, eventually you’ll have to touch a shell and google some things to find out what to type inside a terminal. It’s not hard to learn i for insert and type stuff and esc to get out, colon x to save and quit. If you can’t remember those 3 steps you can’t even update your system on a command line lol.
I don’t know when or why I learned vi, but once I used it for that short period of time I got used to it and it’s just muscle memory for me now. 99% of the dime I’m using x to delete text, yy (or #yy) and dd (or #dd) or p/P to copy/delete/paste lines, or :s/oldtext/newtext/g, or :wq or :x to write and quit. That’s like basically all I ever use VI for and it’s quick and easy to do. Once you know it, like anything, it’s quite a nice editor. Of course it can do a lot more than I typically use it for.
If you think it’s complicated, think about the first time you had to type sudo apt-get install firefox instead of googling Firefox and double clicking an executable.
Red pill easy. Make note of all the stock stuff that comes over the next couple decades, gain more than 10 mill and have more life experience in the tougher times.