I have these windows. Perhaps not coincidentally the house was made by a German. The windows were fabricated in Canada though. The technology is leaking.
If I choose red, I wouldn’t be able to guarantee my daughter would be born even if I met my wife because of, well, biology, but if choose the blue pill I can make sure she’ll have a huge head start on life from this point out, so blue pill it is.
Watched this over the Christmas break. The best review I had read from someone else was from a post on Lemmy that said something to the effect of “if you set up a TV to play 10 generic sci-fi movies and just changed the channel between them allrandomly you’d end up with a film as cohesive as Rebel Moon.”
I would have them study Superman and Lois. It’s the best on screen Superman since Reeve, and Tyler Hoeclin is the best Superman… probably ever. Even better than Reeve. Clark is a fully realized person and not just an identity for the off hours. Take some lessons from that series and you might have something.
I used to school the locals at SF2 and MK back like 20 years ago. This was in the quarters on the ridge, winner sticks, GenX days. I still get recognized in the surrounding towns.
This was all fine and dandy in the rural town I grew up in, but then I did a trip to a major city, out to Vancouver, and I got demolished by the big city kids. It was a disaster. I was getting laid out left and right. Just dummied. Sickened. Was humbled.
Whatever. I still clean up locally on the rare occasion it comes up. One of those guys from the town over ended up working at the same place I did for a while and he was going on about his SF2 prowess, so one day I brought in a Switch with some decent controllers and we went at it. We went 9 games to 1 in my favour in a 10 game series.
I sort of happened to me once. I created an image and posted it eons ago (2006), got a few laughs, then promptly forgot about it. A few years later, like five years after the fact, I was following along with a PowerPoint presentation at some work thing and there was my image in the middle of it. Apparently the image had become an office favourite and ended up spawning a bunch of similar images, then t-shirts, coffee mugs, posters, all sorts of things. I started seeing the image in things like the documentation for Google Charts, and in other presentations. It was weird. The image blew up and I had zero idea it had happened. It spread via Boing Boing and Wil Wheaton, believe it or not.
I can only take credit for the image itself, as the joke itself came from a magazine I had read at a dentists office.
So yeah, I can totally see it happening, ‘cause it borderline-happened to me.
Depends on the situation. Sometimes they only find out that the planet they’re beaming down to is actually a 1920’s mafia planet or a Nazi Germany planet after the fact once they get there, and then it’s like, “Bones, Spock, and also random Crewman, we’ve just beamed down to a mafia planet, we need to get some proper clothes before we’re spotted. Oh no, we’ve been spotted, beat these mafia guys up and steal their clothes quick before we’re spotted again.”
Although to be fair those sorts of episodes actually didn’t involve time travel, since they were other planets that for some reason or another became entire planets of mafiosos and Nazis, but the prime directive still applied.
Linus wrote git to be used via email as part of its core design, so that was just the way he rolled back then. GitHub and Gitlab and all the cloud platforms and tooling came afterwards and it took time to reach a critical mass, and even then, some folks stick to what they’re used to.
Looking at Linus’ GitHub profile, looks like not much has changed — 100% commits, 0% everything else.