SNW is probably what you want. There are some longer arcs, but for the most part, you can take things episode by episode.
The streaming era is favoring shows with long arcs, though. Just the opposite of where we were in the 90s, where missing one episode of Babylon 5 meant you might not understand what’s going on, and VCRs were clunky and hard to setup right.
JPEG will never die. Too many things support it at a very basic level. A random CCD camera module on DigiKey probably has an option for direct JPEG output. An 8-bit Arduino will know how to take that JPEG and display it on a cheap 4" LCD screen off Bang Good.
Formats that sprawl everywhere like that will never, ever die.
Yup, that’s their whole outline of the end days. Supposed to happen in the lifetime of people alive in 1914, and there’s a whole thing about how they’ve managed to extend that deadline.
Ex JW here. This is depicting one of the steps in their equivalent to the Rapture. It goes something like this:
The UN activates as a full world government, and decides to destroy all religion (if you know the slightest bit about the UN, you can see how absurd this is before we get to anything else)
After clearing out everything else, the UN suddenly realizes that Jehovah’s Witnesses are still around
They attack JWs (what OP’s picture depicts), but God intervenes to protect them supernaturally
Jehovah wins and tosses Satan in a deep pit
Earth is transformed over 1000 years into a paradise. Nobody dies, and previous righteous people are resurrected.
At the end of that, Satan is let out again for a final judgment of humanity
Satan is killed off for good. Any human survivors live forever on a paradise Earth.
Gog of Magog comes from Ezekiel 38. From the New World Translation: "The word of Jehovah again came to me, saying: 2 “Son of man, set your face against Gog of the land of Maʹgog, the head chieftain of Meʹshech and Tuʹbal, and prophesy against him. 3 Say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “Here I am against you, O Gog, head chieftain of Meʹshech and Tuʹbal. "
Then, the term pops up again in Revelation 20: “7 Now as soon as the 1,000 years have ended, Satan will be released from his prison, 8 and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Maʹgog, to gather them together for the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea.”
So Gog is basically another term for Satan in this reading. Though Ezekiel seems to be talking about a people from a specific place.
As a side note, “But we can take comfort in knowing…” is a common phrase in their writing, and I get a little twitch every time I read it.
The problem is that it’s not really a standard. It’s reinvented ad-hoc by whomever programs it today.
Should there be any whitespace after the comma? Do you want to use pipes or some other character instead of commas (ASCII 0x1E is sitting over there for exactly this purpose, but it’s been ignored for decades)? How do you handle escaping your separator char inside the dataset? Are you [CR] or [LF} or [CR] [LF]? None of these questions have a set answer. Even JSON has more specification than this.
Also, I could see some forms of IP being higher on the list than others. A market socialist setup, where every company is a worker owned co-op, would still have a lot of use for Trademarks. It could be a far less abusive system than the one we have now, but we’d still want it to exist.
Market socialism itself is likely to only be a transitory step, though.
Out of curiosity, I ran through some sample quizzes of the A+ exam a while back. Managed to pass, but I had to dig out a lot of my old knowledge about IDE master/slave setups and COM port settings and the like. That may be partially due to A+ being a silly, meaningless cert, but it’s pretty clear there is a need for that crap still.
I don’t think even a purely defensive military could be that small for the US. We have a lot of coastline on two oceans, plus distant holdings in Alaska and Hawaii. Even discharging Guam and the like would still be a lot of ground and ocean to cover.
Link talks. The fan theory that he’s mute is unsupportable. Too many instances of him conveying complex information to people he just met (and who wouldn’t know his gesture language). You can try to explain it away, but it will quickly get more complicated than assuming he talks.
They might use some kind of mask to spray something on. I tried to replicate it by printing TPU to fabric, but TPU can be hard to work with for such fine details and consistency.