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funkless_eck, to programmer_humor in You can have anything you wan...

On the other hand, which do you prefer, this:

<span style="color:#323232;"> life ← {⊃1 ⍵ ∨.∧ 3 4 = +/ +⌿ ¯1 0 1 ∘.⊖ ¯1 0 1 ⌽¨ ⊂⍵}

or this:

<span style="color:#323232;"> MODE UNIVERSE = [upb OF class universe, upb OF class universe]BOOL; STRUCT( INT upb, BOOL lifeless, alive, PROC(REF UNIVERSE)VOID init, PROC(REF UNIVERSE)STRING repr, PROC(REF UNIVERSE, INT, INT)VOID insert glider, PROC(REF UNIVERSE)VOID next ) class universe = ( # upb = # 50, # lifeless = # FALSE, # alive = # TRUE, # PROC init = # (REF UNIVERSE self)VOID: FOR row index FROM LWB self TO UPB self DO init row(self[row index, ]) OD, # PROC repr = # (REF UNIVERSE self)STRING:( FORMAT cell = $b("[]", " ")$, horizon = $"+"n(UPB self)("--")"+"l$; FILE outf; STRING out; associate(outf, out); putf(outf, (horizon, $"|"n(UPB self)(f(cell))"|"l$, self, horizon)); close(outf); out ), # PROC insert glider = # (REF UNIVERSE self, INT row, col)VOID:( self[row-2, col+1]&nbsp;:= TRUE; self[row-1, col+2]&nbsp;:= TRUE; self[row, col:col+2]&nbsp;:= (TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ) ), # PROC next = # (REF UNIVERSE self)VOID:( [0:2, LWB self-1:UPB self+1]BOOL window;  # init row(window[LWB window, ]); window[LWB self, 2 LWB window]&nbsp;:= window[LWB self, 2 UPB window]&nbsp;:= window[UPB window, 2 LWB window]&nbsp;:= window[UPB window, 2 UPB window]&nbsp;:= lifeless OF class universe;  window[LWB self, LWB self:UPB self]&nbsp;:= self[LWB self, ]; FOR row FROM LWB self TO UPB self DO REF []BOOL next row = window[(row+1) MOD 3, ]; IF row NE UPB self THEN next row[LWB self:UPB self]&nbsp;:= self[row+1, ] ELSE init row(next row) FI; FOR col FROM LWB self TO UPB self DO INT live&nbsp;:= 0;  FOR row FROM row-1 TO row+1 DO REF[]BOOL window row = window[row MOD 3, ]; FOR col FROM col-1 TO col+1 DO IF window row[col] THEN live +:= 1 FI OD OD; self[row, col]&nbsp;:= IF window[row MOD 3, col] THEN live -:=  live = 3 FI OD OD ) );
funkless_eck, to lemmyshitpost in German Art

I believe it’s another word for Holland

funkless_eck, to asklemmy in What do you like about socialism?

why can we only critique “full on” socialism? (what does that even mean) and yet capitalism with democratic-socialistic elements is treated as if it’s “full on” capitalism?

funkless_eck, to lemmyshitpost in Yummy Mummy

This, the twenty-fifth day of the XIIth month, heretofore known as December, in the year of our Lord: Two Thousand and Twenty Three.

funkless_eck, to memes in Happy Christian Pride Month!

do a little dance

make a lil love

get down tonight

funkless_eck, to lemmybewholesome in Love and support

My Honda HRV is generally agreed to last 300k and up to 20 years. I will not consider myself ill-used if it makes it 75% of that.

Maybe even 50%. I buy new sofas, computers, phones, clothes, glasses, mattresses, etc. on a faster cycle.

Even cats and dogs as pets may not live as long.

If I ran a business off my transport maybe I’d feel different, but I’m not that fussed about a car per decade.

funkless_eck, to memes in Hurry up.

no. Beckett specifically said “If I meant God I would have written God.”

He also wrote in French, where God is “Dieu” and Godot is “Gohdough” so the pun doesn’t work

funkless_eck, to lemmybewholesome in Like a time capsule

to doff is to remove an item of clothing, a skip is a dumpster

funkless_eck, to lemmybewholesome in Like a time capsule

The announcer changes periodically except at Embankment (pictured). It’s usually a woman’s voice, except for this station where it is this gentleman.

funkless_eck, to lemmyshitpost in Yeah, but...

it didn’t help if you were in (eg) the uk where games cost £1 a go, rather than 25c. Which was nearly $2 in 1992, so 8x as expensive

funkless_eck, (edited ) to risa in Fun fact: Rick Bermans grave will be able to double as a urinal

I’ve worked in all sorts of performance disciplines. Comedia dell’arte, High clown, low clown / children’s ents, improv, film, theatre in pros-arch, round…, puppet , Grotowskian devised theatre, Boalian Theatre of the Oppressed…

Only one small subset of that work demands word-perfect adherence. Performance is much more than post-Stanivlaskian Aristotlean drama.

Even Beckett, who was completely, insanely anal about everything from the design of the tree in Waiting for Godot, to the size of the spotlight in Not I, to the length and timing of the tapes in Krapps Last Tape, still made on-set changes right up to the performance.

Not to mention, often on set the script supervisor will sometimes give you last minute changes between takes.

Then, no script is ever perfect. I did Glengarry Glen Ross (which is suuuper tight in terms of interruptions, e.g.

A: “And a man has to shiver in his…”

B: “…shoes…”

A: “…boots…”

B: “…shoes… boots…”

A: “…And for what?” )

But one night the cop missed his cue during one of the sections where people are coming in and out of the office to be interviewed, and I’m (as Roma) trying to put the screws on the guy from the Chinese restaurant so I have to keep vamping on convincing him not to call his wife until the cop remembers to come out and confuses him for Shelly Levene.

It’s so much better for the audience for me to vamp than it is for us to stop the play and go and tell the actor he missed his cue. The show must go on.

funkless_eck, to memes in I always have both too many and not enough friends smh

I have 200 friends. But I have to pay…

funkless_eck, to memes in Crazy fact

funny because, this is actually closer to what “The Method” really is than any of the weird shit you hear about (a way of analyzing text into small compartments of meaning and what their transitive emotional properties are and then considering the impact those words would have on another person when said with different intentions, and picking one based on surrounding context clues also found in the text)

funkless_eck, to memes in I have a bad feeling about this...

it’s because the big bad gave the dog a nice treat and they’re yelping for joy

funkless_eck, (edited ) to baldurs_gate_3 in What having a bard in the party is like

you’d have to be particularly proficient to be able to fret and pluck in handwraps

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