I have a subscription to Holfood and I love it. It definitely makes life easier. For me, the advantages I get from meal replacement shakes are
it saves me from having to decide what to eat so I can put that energy towards things I actually care to do
it’s not very filling, so i can have a shake fairly soon after a solid meal and fit more calories into my day
Probably much healthier than any other meal I can make in the same amount of time
Very tasty in my opinion, but that’s down to personal preference
Makes solid meals much more enjoyable because they’re no longer mandatory, you don’t have to eat so much that you get sick of the foods you normally enjoy, and you can choose your solid meals to maximize enjoyment rather than nutritional value
The main con is that it’s expensive relative to cooking for yourself. But if you factor in the time savings, it may not actually be any more expensive.
I’m living through this right now. I don’t need anyone else to tell me anything. My partner and I alternate on childcare while the other person handles other household duties and day job duties. Our parents come by regularly to help out and we use that time to catch up on sleep as best as we can. Paying for childcare doesn’t make sense as it just negates most of one person’s income. If I’m going to be working anyway and not resting, I’d much rather put that energy towards my kid and have less money than be away but have sightly more money.
Parenting is a 24/7 job. You need to take your breaks while on the clock be everyone you’re never off the clock. Paying someone for childcare services is a job with a start and end time. You can take your breaks before or after. The expectations are different because the jobs are different.
People are busy, and academics especially get tons of emails to wade through. When we say that authors will gladly share their papers, it means that the incentives are aligned such that it benefits them to share their work for free. It doesn’t mean that they’ll drop everything else to respond to your email.