I think most people consider LLMs to be real AI, myself included. It’s not AGI, if that’s what you mean, but it is AI.
What exactly is the difference between being able to reliably fool someone into thinking that you can think, and actually being able to think? And how could we, as outside observers, be able to tell the difference?
As far as your question though, I’m agitated too, but more about things being marketed as AI that either shouldn’t have AI or don’t have AI.
I highly recommend Fedora (just the regular Gnome version). I used to be all Ubuntu, but they’ve shoved snaps down everyone’s throats to the point that I simply cannot recommend it to anyone, especially newcomers.
Fedora has been working really well for me. You’ll probably want to play around with Gnome Tweaks to get the maximize and minimize buttons back, and install the Gnome extension “AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support” from the Gnome Extensions website. Those I would consider the essential post install steps.
After that you’ll have a rock-solid and enjoyable setup.
Having a penis. Though, it’s only the conservatives who consider that unattractive, and based on how popular that kind of porn is in the deep south, they’re lying about it anyway.
Basically a long time ago Linux/Unix was run on big machines in a separate room with all the fancy graphics hardware, and you’d have a dumb little machine at your desk that could barely draw pixels on a screen. So X11 was designed with all these fantastic neat server-client mechanisms that made it great for running on a mainframe.
Fast forward 30 years and all that stuff is useless now that everyone has built in graphics (as well as several other issues with X11’s archaic design). So some smart people who didn’t know any better made a new thing that everything has to be rewritten for (because they were smart, but didn’t know any better). Then someone who did know a little better was like, what if we take the old bloated one and rewrite it for the new lean one. So now everything runs in an X11 session inside a Wayland server, which has to be rewritten for everything because Wayland is a protocol, not a server.
But one of the really nice things about it is that everything has to be rewritten, so we can make newer, fancier bugs.
Edit: I don’t want you to take the impression that I think Wayland is bad. Wayland is way better than X, it just sucks that we have to rewrite a bunch of stuff for it and figure out new ways of doing things that were dead simple in X, but very insecure.
If you want that, you’ll get fewer contributors, but just make that explicitly clear in your pull request template.
Personally, I would never contribute to a project where the maintainer demanded I transfer copyright ownership of my contributions. I also wouldn’t use a project that did that, and would advise other people to not use that project either.