Yeah, but that goes for like, grocery stores. If you’re coming in to Marshall’s for some discount throw pillows or Christmas knick knacks when it’s snowing and icing balls outside, yeah I’m gonna think something is wrong with you and lowkey be annoyed you’re even here.
Honsetly after experiencing the covid era, I think it’s the same people who were throwing a fit and refusing to stay in their houses for even one day.
This alone would make me more likely to switch back to iPhone, as much as I hate the walled garden. “Just switch to a private messenger app” doesn’t really work when no one else uses them. I’ve even gotten all of my family to try Signal, but they dropped it in favor of going back to imessage. It’s extremely frustrating, far from ideal, but it is what it is.
Google reading my messages at all, even if it’s “oPt OuT”, is a complete non starter.
This right here. Rape is not about arousal, it’s about power. I highly recommend Roy Hazelwood’s books on the matter if anyone, like me, has a morbid curiosity about why people commit certain violent crimes.
This exactly. Plus, people around those areas generally have no idea how to drive in that weather so it gets substantially more dangerous just to be out and about. Even if you know what you’re doing to at least stay safe, you can’t assume Joe Shmoe flying onto the highway in his jacked up dodge ram has any clue.
I would say the creepiest part is that this man needs a childish chart like this just to take care of his children. She’s not his mom and honestly they should talk separation instead of having to come up with incentive charts just to get him to be a father.
I just realized, if there was ever a wildlife photography mode in that game, I would play the shit out of it. RP-ing as an ‘extreme’ wildlife photographer trying to shoot around blizzards and keeping your gear in working order would be a really cool way to shake up the gameplay. Would easily get another 200 hours of play out of me.
Oppenheimer at number 2?? In what world? It was decent, but does not deserve to be listed over so many others. Sometimes the Nolan hype train confounds me.
Trust me, there are plenty of songs as bad or worse. I get the same reaction to several Daft Punk songs. Mariah Carey isn’t especially bad, no matter what the internet says. There are some especially brain dead christmas remixes stores play during the holidays that make my skin crawl.
Damn, you’re so far up the ass of your own misogyny that you can’t even read critically. Life must be really hard for you.
EDIT: would this commenter saying “All [insert race here] look the same?” be acceptable to all of you? I sincerely doubt it. Why is them ‘joking’ the same about women okay for you all?