Mine has a window and a light, but the light won’t turn on until the dishes are done so you can effectively see nothing in there. The conspiracy continues!
Mustard. It’s more versatile. Besides the obvious condiment uses, it’s also a useful ingredient in cooking, can alleviate muscle cramps (eaten), helps with bee or wasp stings (topical), and can be used as a dye.
Well, one’s alive and the other isn’t. As long as the inheritors of MJ’s estate are decent people, I think it’s fine at this point. Still skeeves me out to listen to his stuff, though. Two verses in and my brain is popping.
Anecdotally, as a parent who grocery shops for my family, yes. A few key items that my family goes through have finally dropped to more regular prices. Not pre-pandemic sale prices, but much lower than they have been. Not everything, and some products seem to have changed or disappeared permanently, but I have noticed a difference in our grocery bill.
Maybe not quite what you’re looking for, but the press releases section of a research university often contains brief articles about current research projects, as well as other topical info regarding that university.