Yeah, but there is no way in hell they somehow convinced movie studios to let us have drm-free files. It would be amazing but I can’t see it happening.
Used Adobe for years, made an effort in the last year to switch to FOSS, mainly Inkscape and Scribus. And yes, as other comments have mentioned these tools have some weird quirks and some things don’t work. But that’s the same for Adobe and most other software. I remember switching from Macromedia Freehand (lol, remember that) to Illustrator back in the day and everything felt just wrong and awful in tge beginning (until you learned to work around the quirks?). It’s super hard to tell how much it’s “Software Bad” vs “Not Used to New Thing” and this will be different for everybody as well. But nobody (including the software) is stopping you from using this professionally, I just finished a 20 page PDF for a client with Scribus, used it to print my 32 page comic etc.
…I just accidentally downloaded my entire watch history from the beginning of time. Stopped it by hitting airplane mode. It was at 1750+ and growing....
I’m using it daily but would be open to alternatives (markdown notes that can be synchronised locally between desktop and mobile) since their search (even after recently finding out that Ctrl-P is miles better) is just a desaster.
I feel like civilisation is kinda doomed when we let people come up with the same shitty idea every few years over and over again. It has been proven again and again that using your real name doesn’t deter people doing the most heinous things on social media. Bigots don’t care of you know their names. Just log into Facebook Twitchan or any other social media for a second to see that this idea is complete bs. But whatever even if she would realise it there will be someone in a few years trying to do it again.
I bet there are statistics on just how much space is wasted on cars (roads, parking space) but I don’t have them handy. It will probaly pretty maddening when only considering “urban” areas but I wonder if it’s more or less of 1% of the world’s total landmass …
If it’s not Adobe your pirating but a small firm consider buying their stuff if you can afford it. Yes, I know this is the piracy forum but just like with indie games I think if you have the money and get value out of it then it’s cool to support actually people, that need to eat. Global Evilcorps surely not, but people are supporting you via Patreon so why not give some of that money to the people who develop the tools that help you make that money …
I’d also encourage you to look into FOSS alternatives but I have a friend who’s a graphic designer and he’s been pirating the crap out of Adobe since he began his studies in the early 2000s. He says neither he nor any of his collagues (all freelancers) ever had a problem with pirated software. It’s literally unheard of. And if you think about it, how is Adobe gonna find out if you block their phoning home with a firewall? Printers don’t give a damn (and couldn’t tell), neither can clients or random people on the internet. No one is ever going to be “Nice work but can you quickly somehow proof to me that you actually have the ridiculously overpriced subscription for that barely functioning design suite eveyone uses because there’s no alternative (except for Affinity maybe)?”
Would love for this to work with Jellyfin but for me it just poplates the channels section, where it takes me to another page before I can actually watch something and it takes about 10 seconds to load a channel. Not really the analogue TV experience I had hoped to recreate ^__^
Because it makes more sense to have software do one thing good and not many things bad. There are many examples of this, iTunes is a classic but also Jellyfin, I like that they’re focussing on video because that is very complex in itself. To also do comics, podcasts, audiobooks, comics, books etc. meana much more complexity, things that can influence and trip each other, diversion of work etc. Yes, would be very cool to have one app that can play everything perfectly but that’s almost impossible. To do one thing good isn’t.
so is it possible to watch pirated shows and movies together over the internet? me and my friends cant meet up because we’re hours away from eachother.
This one is completely about the people who pretend to “care about the children” but coincidentally also sell the software that does the proposed CSAM scanning. It’s a money making-scheme for them. Shit like this makes me lose the last bit of hope I have for democracy (really hard to not put this into quotes by this point … +__+).
This week in KDE: everything everywhere all at once edition (
Plex To Launch a Store For Movies and TV Shows (
New laptop
Hi everyone!...
Scribus 1.6 Open-Source Desktop Publishing App Released as a Major Update (
I tried to add Sonarr to my Plex and I wanted to make an easy way to add series-es from work or wherever so I wanted to use an iMDB list but they didn't have that on Sonarr so I used a Trakt list and (
…I just accidentally downloaded my entire watch history from the beginning of time. Stopped it by hitting airplane mode. It was at 1750+ and growing....
Are there any good privacy friendly keyboards for android?
I’ve looked at a few on fdroid and they all seem like they aren’t being maintained anymore....
Kuketz Custom ROM Review: /e/ (
Mastering Joplin Notes: Tips and Tweaks (
trying to share the lane with vehicles in the USA is very dangerous
Yes, also Teslas (
How do companies know if I use cracked software or assets for my personal gig?
For context, I want to run a small personal gig (offering stuff on Patreon). Nothing too fancy....
(IPTV) 🌍📺This frequently-updated github list gives you TV stations from around the world [x-post] (
KDE Plasma 6.0 Approved For Fedora 40 - Including Dropping The X11 Session (
Its getting old. (
German court declares “Do Not Track” to be legally binding (
Fossil (
source: Beetlemoses
Why so many *arr services? Why not 1 service that works with all media types?
I am almost done building my first self hosted streambox through Docker. That’s a total of 16 instances, each fulfilling 1 specific role....
is there a way to watch pirated shows/movies together?
so is it possible to watch pirated shows and movies together over the internet? me and my friends cant meet up because we’re hours away from eachother.
🇪🇺 How the EU Feels about (
Context: Chat Control 2.0: EU governments set to approve the end of private messaging and secure encryption...