Everyone knows the only definition of culture is what year your city was founded and therefore how many old buildings it has. Oh and If you need to leave city center to see the ruins of the structures Europeans destroyed during colonization it doesn’t count. Only old buildings you can see from a tour bus counts as culture, duh.
Same. From comment section I get people are talking about being school kids but like… Social studies is 3 ring binder, math is spiral notebook with perforations, English is library book and black and white composition notebook, science is a folder that gets replaced monthly after it rips… All loaded into a backpack along with like 5 textbooks wrapped in brown paper
In 2013 the APA merged autism and aspergers into the bucket of Autism Spectrum Disorder which many now refer to as just autism. Autism is a spectrum disorder where on one side you have “highly functional” people who are mostly indistinguishable from neurotypical folk and on the other end you have people who cannot speak, cannot function on their own, are dependent on their family or the state their entire lives, and can often have other serious health issues.
Autism speaks was founded in 2005 and merged with groups started in the 90s. So the “Autism” in the name is not really referring to modern ASD as a whole and its focus has always been primarily on the latter group. As a result the group has advocated for things meant to support individuals on the higher severity side of the spectrum, which includes a focus more on family as spokespeople, and supporting research to prevent the worst parts of autism (a “cure”). The “cure” bit is the main issue as in the past that was literally in the mission statement and mentioned in marketing constantly.
The “Autistic community” you encounter online inherently lacks those who can’t speak or write. Autism represents an aspect of themselves they each have different feelings about but it’s very often a core piece of their identity. As a result Autism Speak’s approach is offensive because it takes an objectively more negative view of their identity (a “cure” can border into eugenics in that light) and includes a focus on other people besides the autistic individual. In my opinion, the community is unfortunately highly neglectful of those who literally can’t have a voice in the conversation but that’s a whole different matter.
I’m pretty sure if I dug into my backup-of a backup-of a backup-of a backup to get to my old files from the 00s I’d find this there. I might have even ironically had this picture on my Zune.
More like seatbelt is muscle memory they don’t actively think about. Nobody is mentioning closing the door or aligning their foot to the pedals either.
With the stipulations given here (no limits on where, and ability to know if it’s safe) you could teleport to what astronomers speculate are earth-like planets. Grab some samples, head home, repeat. Maybe win the Nobel Prize for discovering extraterrestrial life.
Given that, it feels a bit one sided against the other option that would let you perv a locker room or get trapped in a bank vault when you trip a non-visual sensor.