I dont remember the name of the episode, but Bashir took a leave of absence and hung out on this planet for, I’d guess, a year to work on a cure. He didn’t find a cure but managed (by accident) to make a vaccine that saved new-borns from getting infected.
I’d like to do a series that takes place after the books where Vimes son goes to the Assasins academy and befriends a fellow student who doesnt realize he is a born wizard. I envision five seasons with each season taking up about 3 to 5 years in story. This allows the actors to age gracefully and gives time for quality writing instead of rushing to get a season out before someone gets pregnant or starts balding.
Each season would follow them through their late teens and 20s as they live and thrive in Anhk-Morport. First season would be them at the academy. Second would be them in the Watch. Third would have them part ways as young Sam advances in the Watch while the other starts working covertly for the Patrician.
It’d generally be villain of the week with some over-arching storylines, showing them solving the same mystery from different perspectives, while mostly having each others back even when its not obvious.
Eventually it would culminate in young Sam taking over the watch from Carrot, while his friend finally faces the music and joins UU.
I’d like to throw Carrot and Angua’s daughter in there too, but that might get in the way of one of the potential storylines. Also I don’t want it to be a Harry Potter clone.
Open Firefox, install the containers addon, open an instance you have an accout with in a new container, and sign in. Label that container specifically for the url of that instance. Repeat for every instance you have an account with.
I think what many find confusing is that there is no master lemmy server to facilitate instances finding each other. I know they use the Activitypub protocol, but I dont know what it does.
I also dont understand how torrent clients find each other.