The gf worked today (yay overtime) and was off at 7pm. I figure ill put the turkey roll im the slow cooker around 4:30ish then start the potatoes around 6. The turkey roll was already thawed so 2 hours should have been lots. By 8 pm the temperature setting is still only 110F. Finally I touch the side and realize its room temp. The ceramic pot is barely warm to the touch. The slow cooker died.
We transferred the meat to a tray and put in the oven. Done in half an hour. Late dinner but still good.
I don’t usually bother with boxing day sales, but maybe tomorrow I will. This time I want one with a delayed start timer.
Look at the Zerotier vpn model. They have several instances hosted all over the world that the client app running on user devices initially contact. These instances are in essence federated even if they use a different term for it.
The instance then gives each client a list of peers and how to reach them, and the clients attempt to reach each other directly, bypassing the instance where possible.
Both models work together. There’s no need for locking into one and ignoring the other. Use the best tool for the job at hand.