You ever see a dog that’s got its leash tangled the long way round a table leg, and it just cannot grasp what the problem is or how to fix it? It can see all the components laid out in front of it, but it’s never going to make the connection....
Everybody else is saying things that some humans are too dumb to grasp. I’ll give you an example that virtually all humans are too dumb to grasp.
How are our decisions affected by conflicts of interests? The last time I looked into this, the research in this area said that humans virtually always underestimate the effect that a conflict of interests has on them, by a lot. Many people don’t even see the conflict of interests. People who recognize the conflict of interests believe that because they are aware of the conflict of interests, they can mitigate the effects completely. They are wrong.
Humans get entangled by conflicts of interests just like dogs get entangled by their leashes. Just like dogs, many times, humans don’t realize that they’re caught. Just like dogs, even if you show a human the problem, they cannot understand. But even worse than dogs getting tangled by their leashes, humans believe they can understand what to do when they’re caught up, but it turns out that they’re wrong.
I almost didn’t get it. I guess because of my weird brain, my first reaction was to wonder why the items you find in the shower would be upset that an item not in the shower would think that cartoonists get most of their ideas in the shower. Surely, they’d be proud that they inspired the creativity.
According to my college physics 101 professor, a curved sail is generally superior in all situations. There are sails made out of rigid materials, and they generally are curved, even though they could be flat. Everybody who sails knows that you can adjust the slack in your sail, and that sometimes a tighter sail is better, for example when tacking. You can tell this just from the feel.
Now, then, it’s been a LONG time since my physics 101 class, but the explanation was something like this: Although this is an oversimplification, you can imagine that a sail works when air particles bounce off of it. The momentum imparted to the sail depends not only on the direction that the wind is coming from, but also the direction that it ends up going when it bounces off the sail. A curved sail helps redirect the wind away from the sail in exactly the direction that the sail is pointing, which is better at pushing the vehicle in the correct direction.
Another way to look at this is if it is a pure matter of air pressure. A curved surface will be better at creating air pressure inside the curve. It’s like if you’re driving and you hold something out the window. When you hold a rigid board out of the window, it will be hard to hold in place, but the air pressure won’t build up behind it as much as a sack, for example. If you hold a sack out the window, it will probably just be ripped out of your hands.
Would love to know what you guys think and your reasoning for it. I’m starting to see a lot of Apple Watches/Fitbits/Galaxy Watches in my area compared to more traditional timepieces.
What timing! I am so pissed at my smartwatch right now.
I got a smart watch because I was having some sleep problems, and I found that some Apple watches can monitor your oxygen levels while sleeping. I suspected it was related to other things like stress, but I wanted to be a bit more comfortable and say that it’s probably not sleep apnea.
So, the point is that I must wear it when I’m sleeping. Also, like any reasonable person, I have my phone set up not to disturb me at night. But at least on Apple watches, this means that my alarm goes off only on my watch. I can’t figure out any way for it to not go off on my watch, and only go off on my phone, unless I simply take off the watch.
It’s the MOST ANNOYING THING. First, because it means that you can’t have your alarm go off across the room. You can always turn it off on your watch, which means that you can even turn it off without waking up. And then, you have no alarm at all. So, if I absolutely have to wake up for some meeting or airplane or something, I can’t wear my watch to bed.
Also, maybe this is just me, but I hate when my watch vibrates on my wrist. I hate the feeling. Every time it vibrates, I have the urge to smash the thing. If I had to choose a set up, I’d have my phone always vibrate, and my watch never vibrate. But I can’t figure out how to make that work on Apple.
This morning was an absolute nightmare, though. Now, I’m used to turning off my alarm on my watch, but when I went to turn it off this morning, the watch was deep in some shitty menu. I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off. And it was just vibrating on my wrist non-stop. Obviously, this was made much more difficult because I was just waking up.
I eventually figured it out, but the point is that the UI is obviously less refined than, for example, the phone UI, where this sort of alarm hiding has never happened in all of my years owning a smart phone.
Anyways, to answer your question, I prefer to wear a smart watch, because a regular watch doesn’t do anything for me. But goddamn do I hate my smart watch right now!
“I like smoking, but I’m concerned that perhaps smoking a single cigarette at a time won’t make me stink enough. There must be some way that I can be even smellier. Why, as it is, I can even occasionally taste food.”
When people say “no pun intended,” it is always right after they’ve made a completely intentional pun.
When a person says “no offense [intended], but,” it is always right before they say something intentionally offensive.
What I’m saying is that maybe this grammar “no X intended” doesn’t actually mean that literally they don’t intend X, but instead that they want to lessen their culpability for exactly intending X.
“If I lose to [Biden], I don’t know what I’m going to do. I will never speak to you again,” Trump told supporters at a rally in North Carolina.
Trump made similar remarks in 2016 when he rivaled Hillary Clinton for the presidency: “I don’t think I’m going to lose, but if I do, I don’t think you’re ever going to see me again, folks,” Trump said. “I think I’ll go to Turnberry and play golf or something.”
I’m pretty sure that’s the Dewey Decimal category for self-help books on how to either do your own research or to give other people enough information to help you.
Both people in this picture are being abused by the company. The difference is that the company also lets the white guy abuse the black guy, and for that reason, the white guy feels superior.
This is one of those things you see in fascist governments. As long as people are able to abuse someone, they’ll accept a much worse station as well as a lot of abuse themselves.
In the situation described, it sounds like he needed to bring along vaccines that would have to be refrigerated. I wouldn’t normally use my keys to remember something, but if the only time I used them was when I put them in the refrigerator, it might theoretically be okay, except for the thing I mention in the next paragraph. Definitely less crazy than me putting my shoes in the fridge.
But the other thing is that I’m personally a bit paranoid about losing my keys, or having somebody take them, and can’t ever leave my keys in a public area of the house. I might actually have to put my shoes in the fridge like a crazy person.
I don’t often personally identify with this comic, because I don’t have ADHD, but I feel this one deeply.
I have found that putting things by the door doesn’t work as well as putting them with things that you will never forget to take. For example, I don’t wear shoes indoors, so I will put the thing I need to take inside my shoes. Or since I have a private garage, I can simply put it in my car ahead of time.
One thing that has changed since 2020 is that Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine has placed an emphasis on stopping dependence on Russia, which has also put a focus on renewables.
I believe the idea is that, because his reaction to a pumpkin pleading for help was to stab it to death, that either he discovered something about himself and couldn’t handle it, or that he was exposed to be a crazy killer type.
My first project out of college was canceled after a year of hard work. Nothing to do with me or my team. Just the company decided not to do it anymore.
I’ve found that the solution is just not to think about these sorts of things.
The day-to-day work is often rewarding enough, and you’re getting paid because somebody wants you to do it. Make sure that you raise your concerns occasionally, but the rest of the time, just enjoy the daily grind. If you let this stuff bother you, you’ll burn out.
What’s the best response? The best response is to laugh in their face and go find someone else to talk to.
The person you described is an idiot. Can you tell whether a person actually has free will by observing their actions? Like just by looking at them, can you predict exactly everything that they’re going to do?
(This is actually almost identical a famous problem in philosophy called the “philosophical zombie.”)
If the answer is “no”, and it is, then it doesn’t make sense to base your actions based on whether you have free will, because it doesn’t actually have any effect in your daily life, other than to irritate other people with your pseudo intellectual babble.
What's the simplest thing humans are too dumb to grasp?
You ever see a dog that’s got its leash tangled the long way round a table leg, and it just cannot grasp what the problem is or how to fix it? It can see all the components laid out in front of it, but it’s never going to make the connection....
Random 6-8-2006 (
Would a perfectly flat, tight sail on a boat be more efficient than a sail like we all know?
Okay hear me out and this may sound like the ramblings of a lune but i just thought the following....
"If I knew then what I know now" by Port Sherry (
Source: Website - RSS
8 December 1980 (
Do you prefer to wear a smartwatch or a regular watch?
Would love to know what you guys think and your reasoning for it. I’m starting to see a lot of Apple Watches/Fitbits/Galaxy Watches in my area compared to more traditional timepieces.
Multi-cigarette holder, for rapid cancer acquisition, 1954 (
"Just Season It" by Mr.Lovenstein (
Source: Mastodon - RSS...
No politics inteded: Why isn't Trump after leaving office in any way or shape involved in politics say as member of congress or senate? (
I know that after you leave office as POTUS it is some sort of unwritten rule that you withdraw from politics....
Birding for Botanists (
Mossie birbs!! (
'Motormat' drive-in restaurant, Los Angeles, 1949 (
South African diamond miner being x-rayed at the end of his shift to prevent theft, 1954 (
Out of sight, out of mind [ADHDinos] (
ADHDinos Source Links:...
Well, this is something! (fossil-free electricity in Europe) (
cross-posted from:
Cut It Out - Loading Artist (
Shanti (
Inner peace waits anywhere. It mostly waits far away from other people though.
What's the best response to someone who believes in hard determinism but also uses this to deny responsibility for any immoral actions they commit?
That is, they think all of their decisions were preordained, and then use this to claim that they can’t be held responsible for anything they do.