People aren’t good for bad because of their ethnicity or religion. They’re good or bad because of the choices they make. A Republican is someone who has chosen to support the Republican party. That’s such an absolutely vile choice to make that I have no problem with condemning everyone who makes it.
I want to like them but I don’t find them trustworthy after watching their climate change optimism video and a takedown that explains how ridiculous it is.
I had a mother in law who stayed with her abusive husband because he threatened to kill her and their children if she tried to leave. Seems pretty unethical to me.
A less extreme example would be one partner badgering or manipulating the other into being monogamous when they don’t want to be.
As far as I know, Brexit was caused more by Brits not liking economic policies of the European Union, though I am not that knowledgeable about UK politics.
I’m not that knowledgeable, being an American, but my understanding is that Brexit was mainly the result of racism, and of English people falling for easily disproven lies about the economic impact of EU membership. I’d like to think that what I lack in direct experience of British politics, I make up for with direct experience of the exact same bullshit in American politics.
There is absolutely no scenario in which everyone stops having children. If everyone who could be convinced not to have children is convinced, there will still be plenty of human beings.
I just learned of the Shavian Alphabet yesterday. It’s designed specifically for English and fits it well, except the sounds in it are so specific that when you write in it, you have to write in a specific regional accent. Fortunately it can’t become a new set of special cases because it’s an entirely new script not related to Latin.