Go to Shellix.xyz and buy a site membership cheap. Or just google “x.com shoppy.gg”. Great for more than porn accounts but yeah. That way you can get it in 8K or w/e.
Private/public torrent sites are good for those things though
Definitely was one of my biggest fears growing up. People absolutely make fun of people at the gym, just not to their face and normally not about their weight. They normally just make fun of your form and stuff like that but only when they’re slackin.
To add to this, I could see this being furthered by most people eating soup when they are sick or feeling sick. So blandness might be a good thing on an upset stomach.
Yeah, 2.1 doesn’t have center either (it’s the real reason dialogue is quiet and background is loud. 5.1 expects SL-L-C-R-SR and sub (the .1) C plays the “dialogue” track normally.
I’ll take it a step further and recommend K-Lite Codec Pack, it lets you set up MPC-HC with that and the option to enable center boost for 5.1 audio on 2.0 setups
Unless you mean GB, that’s a fake drive. If you mean GB it’s cause the lower density memory chips are in lower supply as we continue to streamline manufacturing
Nah drunkenslug is an indexer. You need both an indexer and provider to use usenet. Indexers normally cost money via a donation for lifetime or 1 year of download privilege.
Providers you pay for via different plan types. Some sell “block” accounts where you get XGB of download and once it’s gone it’s gone. Some have a subscription model with a bandwidth allotment. Some have pay a flat fee for unlimited access. All depends on what you’re willing to pay.
R/usenetproviders has a wiki but I recommend Eweka or NewsDemon